The Chinese team won the top five in the world in the 52nd International Physics Olympic Contest

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.07.18

From July 10th to 17th, the School of Physics of Nankai University led the Chinese team to participate in the 52nd International Physical Olympic Competition (IPHO). With the joint efforts of all teachers and students, the Chinese team five five Participants Xu Guowei, Yang Mingxuan, Liu Zirui, Li Qiancheng, and Ren Yuqi won the gold medal with their strong strength, and won the top five in the world, and achieved the outstanding results of the group. At the same time, Xu Guowei, Li Qiancheng, and Yang Mingxuan obtained the total scores, theoretical first, and experiments first.

The competition was hosted by Switzerland. The competition is held online. Among them, the experimental test first adopts the entire online virtual exam. The participating teams in this competition include 368 students, 145 leaders, 67 observers, 138 supervisors from 75 countries and regions, and a total of 718 people participated.

It is reported that the scores and scores of the competition are summoned by the organizing committee for the summoning of the global volunteers. The iPho2022 competition is divided into two parts: experiment and theory, with a length of 5 hours in each part. The theory is divided into three major questions, two major questions, a total of 50 points. The Chinese participating teams scored 212.3, with an average score of 42.46.

(Source: CCTV News Client)

【Edit: Wang Yujin】

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