Chengdu Road Passenger Transport Line suspended operation 98 lines

Author:Chuanguan News Time:2022.07.18

Chuanguan News reporter Lei Yan Jiang Junfang

On July 18, at the press conference of the epidemic prevention and control work held by the Chengdu Municipal People's Government's News Office, Wang Qingyu, deputy director of the Chengdu Municipal Transportation Bureau, came (returned) Rong personnel requested, and the public transportation epidemic prevention and control measures were introduced. Essence

First of all, continue to do a good job of entering Sichuan. At present, 2 airports, 14 railway stations in the city, and 134 highways are exported to the Sichuan -inspected point. , Check the health code and itinerary card of Sichuan personnel, scan into the Sichuan code, issue an epidemic notice, and report the code for the community.

At the same time, the transportation organization is dynamically adjusted according to the epidemic situation. As of now, the city's road passenger line has suspended 98 lines, of which 58 of the 5+1 urban automobile passenger station has been suspended. According to the high -risk area in the epidemic and the requirements for the testing and control of full -member nucleic acid, the city's cumulative optimization line has been optimized in the near future. In terms of strict transportation stations and the prevention and control of the epidemic in transportation, strict implementation of key transportation field stations such as railway stations, car passenger stations, highway service areas, bus closed environment, BRT station halls, and subway stations Code scanning, ventilation disinfection, mask protection "four 100%" protection measures; road transportation, urban bus, subway, taxi (including online car) and other operating units increase the frequency of ventilation and disinfection of transportation.

In addition, the health monitoring of employees should be strengthened, the proportion of nucleic acid sampling monitoring of taxis and online car rental employees in the city must be strengthened, and the health monitoring of the transportation industry is strengthened.

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