Hundreds of daily limit!The creation finger rose over 1.8%in half a day, and the environmental protection sector rose the top

Author:Poster news Time:2022.07.18

Zhongxin Jingwei, July 18th. Earlier on the 18th, the three major stock indexes of A shares turned collectively after opening, and then rose sharply. As of the afternoon closing, the Shanghai Stock Exchange Index rose 1.49%, the Shenzhen Stock Exchange Index rose 1.12%, and the GEM index rose 1.83%.

On the disk, environmental protection, water, coal, real estate, electricity and other sectors have risen before, and airlines, hotel catering and other sectors have fallen first. More than 4,100 stocks in the two cities rose, with a daily limit of 101.


Source: Wind

In terms of northbound funds, the net inflow of the northern direction of funds exceeded 5 billion yuan in the morning, of which the Shanghai stocks were flowed for more than 2.6 billion yuan, and the deep stocks flowed for more than 2.4 billion yuan.

The environmental protection sector has risen, and Yongqing Environmental Protection (20cm), Bian Water (20cm), Liantai Environmental Protection, Enlightenment Environment, Tongxing Environmental Protection, Qiaoyin Co., Ltd., China Tianyu daily limit, China Science and Technology Environmental Protection, Boschi, Zhonglan Environmental Protection, Zhonglan Environment Yuhetian rose more than 10%, and the environmental protection of Shanghai and Central in Shanghai had risen sharply.

The sea transport sector is also sharply strengthened. Both COSCO Haineng and China Merchants and Ships have daily limits.

The Xingye Securities Strategy Team pointed out that from the preview of the interim report, Hengqiang, the "new semi -army" strong, is still the direction of prosperity. 2022 The performance growth rate of the industrial chain in the first half of the year (overall method) was photovoltaic (167.4%)/new energy vehicle (144.3%)/UHV (122.2%)/energy storage (109.3%)/military industry (84.7%)/semiconductor/semiconductor. (81.6%)/wind power (56.6%), the profit advantage is significant.

The Western Securities Strategy Team believes that the market will still face more repetition in the second half of the year, and the index level may be better than the end of April. For relative gain investors, the certainty of grasping style in the second half of the year will be even more important.

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