[Gansu Jinchang] Jinchuan District Power Supply Company: Hearing "flood" and moving "flood" quick response

Author:Jinchang Daily Time:2022.07.18

At 18:00 on July 10, the city's sudden thunderbolt rainfall weather was heavy, and heavy rainstorms appeared in urban areas and agricultural networks. The danger is the order. The power supply company of Jinchuan District, Jinchang City, State Grid has moved by "flood".

The company organized 3 staff members of power supply and 3 teams to pass, mix, and change, and quickly conducted flood prevention stations and lines in the jurisdiction. The transformer transportation personnel do a good job in the control room and high -voltage room house leakage inspection, check the cable groove whether there is water accumulation to ensure the smooth drainage facilities in the station; The equipment and other lines carry out special inspections and eliminate the shortcomings in a timely manner. The inspectors also inspected the auxiliary of the line and the tower to check the lightning protection, lightning protection facilities and lines of lightning strikes; The load changes have been comprehensively inspected, and the cable lines are conducted on a special patrol to ensure the safe operation of equipment such as the flood season.

At the same time, strengthen the flood prevention management and meteorological departments of the higher -level units, closely grasp the trend of weather changes, and timely remind all units to prevent the WeChat group in time to ensure the sharing of disaster weather information, and to achieve close integration of flood prevention work and cooperate. As of now, the company's power grid and equipment have been running normally.

Text: Chen Ying

Edit: Yu chrysanthemum

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