Anudu high temperature season

Author:China Centers for Disease Cont Time:2022.07.18

Anudu high temperature season

The summer of the third year is not as hot as this time. As of July 13, 2022, 18 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) have experienced high temperature above 35 ° C. The highest temperature in Shanghai has tied the historical highest temperature record since 1873. The hot news of the Chongqing Museum has caused everyone to marvel at everyone.

Thermal radiation disease is a type of heat stroke. It often occurs in a strong sun or sultry environment. It is a heat stroke caused by excessive heat accumulation produced in the body. Old people, children, patients, alcoholics, and young people who have done strenuous exercise at high temperatures are the easiest to recruit.

In addition to thermal irritation, the type of heat stroke also has heat cramps and heat failure. Thermal spasm appears as a blue face, feeling headache, nausea, dizziness and spasm. Thermal failure is manifested as fatigue and weakness, the skin is cold and pale, the pulse is weak and weak, the headache and dizziness are vomiting, emotional, and fainted.

The fever is used to the body and produces a series of physiological pathological changes in light and heavy. Do a good job in preventive measures and timely treatment of early occurrence, which can minimize health damage. The following points can be achieved in daily life:

As the saying goes, "The heart is quiet and natural", the most important thing to welcome the "baking" test is to properly regulate your joy and sorrow.

To ensure sufficient rest and sleep, it is best to have 1 to 2 hours a day at noon every day.

Due to sweating high temperatures, in order to prevent electrolyte disorders, it is best to prepare boiling water or light tea.

Pay attention to cooling the room, but do not set the temperature too low. The temperature difference between indoor and outdoor is huge and increased the risk of illness.

Try to avoid going out from 10 am to 4pm. If you have to go out, you should prepare sunscreen and sufficient water and drinks, and you can also carry ten drops of water, ren Dan, wind and oil essence and other heatstroke cooling drugs with you. When you have headache, panic, nausea, etc., you should quickly go to the cool place to rest and add salt boiling water.

Elderly people are high -temperature susceptible people. France suffered high temperature in the summer of 2003, causing more than 15,000 people to die, most of which were the elderly. This incident even caused the crisis of the Hillary government at the time. Therefore, it is best to accompany the elderly to strengthen the care of the elderly. It is recommended to check the body once for the elderly to treat the primary and concurrent diseases in a timely manner.

It has ushered in summer vacation since July. Compared to parents, children's body temperature regulation system and sweating system have not yet developed, and under the same temperature conditions, children do the same heat from the same exercise and are more prone to heatstroke. Therefore, children should be avoided for a long time in high temperature outdoor or poor ventilation. Do not leave children alone in the car when going out, it is easy to cause heat irritation and even cause death. The bedroom must pay attention to ventilation or turn on the air conditioner. It is advisable to control the room temperature at about 26-28 ° C. Children should be loose, soft, and breathable, arrange the time for games and labor reasonably, and replenish water in time and ensure sufficient rest. If heat stroke occurs, it is not recommended to eat adults' drug treatment, and do not eat cold melon or greasy foods to avoid diarrhea; if the situation is serious, you should seek medical treatment immediately.

Reference source:

1. China Disease Prevention and Prevention Center, "Surviving in frustration -knowledge of disaster relief and disease prevention", China Union Medical University Press

2. ID = 1738243381790831WFR = SpiderFor = PC

(Supply: Lin Lin, Liu Yao, Zhang Li, Ding Cook, Tang Xiaoshan, Zhao Chenshan)

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