State Drug Administration: Strengthen the dynamic supervision

Author:Zhongxin Jingwei Time:2022.07.18

Zhongxin Jingwei, July 18th. According to the official website of the State Drug Administration, on July 15, the State Drug Administration held a meeting of the Leading Group for Rectification of Drug Safety. In his speech, Xu Jing and deputy director Xu Jinghe conveyed the spirit of the leadership group meeting. The members of the party group and deputy director Chen Shifei, Yan Jiangying, and Zhao Junning attended the meeting.

The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to adhere to the combination of violations of illegal crimes with strengthening daily supervision and improvement of long -term mechanisms, focus on investigating and dealt with a batch of major cases, eliminate a number of hidden risks, accelerate the improvement of regulatory capabilities, improve the supervision mechanism, eliminate the blind zone of regulatory regulations, and effectively guarantee the guarantee. The safety situation of the drug is stable and the safety of the people's medication is maintained.

The meeting made the next stage of the next stage of the special rectification operation of drug safety.

The first is to focus on investigating and handling major cases. Continue to increase the case for law enforcement, severely crack down on illegal and illegal acts, implement punishment for illegal acts to punish people, and decisively deal with outstanding issues. Establish and improve the criminal collaboration mechanism with the public security organs, study cracking problems, form a joint effort, and work with the market regulatory authorities to "combine fist", effectively play the role of industry self -discipline, public opinion supervision, and complaint reports, and extend the supervision network to the public.

The second is to strengthen the investigation of hidden safety hazards. Strengthen the dynamic supervision of the "two products and one device" all aspects of the life cycle, comprehensively investigate and deal with hidden risks, and resolve the hidden dangers of drug safety in the bud state.

The third is to accelerate the improvement of long -term mechanisms. In response to the outstanding issues discovered, modify and improve the relevant regulations and systems as soon as possible, introduce urgent requirements for supervision and regulations, effectively extend the tentacles of supervision, and eliminate the blind spots of regulatory supervision.

The fourth is to comprehensively strengthen capacity building. Further improve the pharmaceutical supervision system, innovate supervision methods, strictly implement the power of supervision at all levels, reasonably allocate supervision forces, strengthen cross -regional cross -level drug supervision coordination and linkage, and promote the integration of supervision policies, integration of supervision capabilities, and integration of supervision quality.

The fifth is to do a good job of news and propaganda. Establish a stable and efficient journalism and propaganda mechanism, effectively highlight the firm determination and practical actions that comprehensively strengthen drug safety management and crack down on drug safety illegal crimes, and form a strong momentum and strong deterrent.

The meeting emphasized that we must conscientiously fulfill the responsibilities of the State Council's centralized work to rectify the work mechanism of the leading group of the leading group of drug safety illegal crimes, improve the working mechanism as soon as possible, strengthen overall coordination, promote the implementation of work responsibilities of all member units, effectively supervise local work, ensure that centralized combat rectification work can have rectification work. The order is strongly advanced, and the bottom line of the drug safety is resolutely held. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

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