This wave of the Rockets is really good!There are Harden in front of Wall, and the breakup does not speak bad words. The fans read it right.

Author:Luo shopkeeper sports Time:2022.07.18

After being traded by the Thunder to the Rockets, Harden wanted to bring a championship to the team. Unfortunately, while he played for the Rockets, the team only reached the regional finals, and never pointed to the final stage. Before the 20-21 season, the palace team has been forcing the palace team to trade her Harden. Although they finally played a few games on behalf of the Rockets, they still failed to stay in Houston and were traded to the Nets by the Rockets to the Nets.

I thought I came to the Nets with strong strength of the paper to make myself a dream champion, but because of the series of moths that Irving last season, Harden chose to leave again and was traded to 76 people by the Nets. As a result, after Harden came to Philadelphia, the state was even worse than before.

After the season, there were only 18.6 points, 5.7 rebounds and 8.6 assists, which was once regarded as the "culprit" of the 76ers' playoffs in the playoffs. I knew that I had the worthy Harden, who had lost their worth, and finally chose a sharp salary reduction during the offseason, recruiting 76 people to the old teammate Tucker.

The latest news, some media broke the news that Harden reached a renewal at a price of 68 million in 2 years. Soon after the Rockets and team reporters Salman Ali talked about Harden, he said that Harden will be selected for the best next season. The lineup, and 76 people will be in the top three teams. For the bad performance of Harden last season, the reporter believes that Harden has suffered a injury.

For the former star who had brought a brilliant family to this team, it can be seen that the Rockets still love Harden very deeply. Breaking up will not be evil, it is indeed a clear stream of the league. Not long ago, the Rockets and Volt reached a buyout, allowing the latter to join the Clippers to chase the championship. The two sides broke up peacefully without any discord. Even the Rockets's summer league, Volt also came to the scene to watch. Therefore, if the alliance still has a team who wants to break up with the star, we must really learn from the Rockets.

(Roman shopkeeper)

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