Aksa Laitang, Wantai County: donated mobile phones to warm childlike hearts to ensure that classes stop school

(Jiang Xingning) In order to cope with the current epidemic prevention and control...

The development of Vegetable Planting Vegetable Planting Vegetable Planting Vegetable Planting Promotion of Farmers Increasing Revenue

(Ainur Abalai) Recently, dozens of acres of onions in Kimu Rebu, Yuemu Reiki, Yuet...

Olutai County Aksa Lailang: Epidemium prevention and control me first volunteer service to warm people's hearts

(Wu Na) Since the start of the epidemic prevention and control work, the volunteer...

Outai County Aksa Lailang: Grassroots preaching to gather people's hearts and hard work, just at the time

On the morning of July 26, the Propaganda Department of the Wantai County Party Co...