Article 3 Entering and leaving Xinjiang highway to open to traffic, leaving exclusive channels for wild animals

At noon on August 30, the Ruoqiang Expressway in Ruoqiang County, the Bayin Guo Le...

Article 3 Entry and exit Xinjiang highways open to traffic!Leave an exclusive channel for wild animals

On August 30, the Ruoqiang Expressway in Ruoqiang County, the Bayin Guo Leng Mongo...

Guarding "Jinshan" 丨 Guardian Tibetan Antelope

Look!A green gourd lying in the middle of the desert

It is the world's first desert railway route the last puzzleIt replaces the...

Pomegranate Poster | Baba Pink Butterfly appeared for the first time Alkin Mountain

Pomegranate Poster | Baba Pink Butterfly appeared for the first time Alkin Mountain...

Guarding "Jinshan" 丨 Baba Pink Butterfly appeared for the first time to appear in Alkin

Video/Snapshot, T_100, F_JPG, M_fast Controls = Controls data-version/ueditor/video/mp4/20220713/1657703678273281.mp4 transcoding = 1 style = width: 400px; Guarding Jinshan 丨 Baba P