Need to renew the air conditioner in the daytime steaming and night?Beware of the "low temperature killer" in the high temperature weather!

This summer, high -temperature heat waves continued to make power. Are you increasingly inseparable from the coolness brought by the air conditioner? While enjoying the coolness, don't ignore the hidd

Hanging neck fan blows out facial paralysis?Please use it with cautious fan "artifact"

Text/Yangcheng Evening News all -media reporter Chen HuiCorrespondent Wang JianSum...

The pain department of the First Hospital of Zibo City Carry out CT 3D guidance below neurotated fre

Mr. Liu, 58, suffered from a disease called facial muscle spasm a year ago. His left face often beating from the eyelids to the cheeks to the corner of his mouth, which made Mr. Liu upset. Mr. Liu w

Eye protective roads | What should I do if the tricky "paralysis eyelids"?

Open -columnOne inch of autumn waves, Qianhu Mingzhu has not been conscious. We un...