Sister Kuang Party Gao Shi: Watchman of Plateau Education

Education is the foundation. Education is a lofty great cause, and the teacher pro...

More than 20,000 primary and secondary school students in Dunhuang City reported to school to report

On September 5, all primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in Dunhuang Ci...

At the beginning of the school, the teachers and students of Beijing Fourth Middle Schools were flying a paper plane full of dreams

At 8:39 am on September 1st, the Beijing Fourth Middle School Campus was lively. W...

Fully restore the crowd property of the Criminal Police Fourth Squadron to get the banner

The four squadron of the Interpol has always maintained a high -pressure situation of criminal criminal criminals around the work of the county bureau center, fully defending the lives and property sa

Three a day in midsummer, the "undefeated myth" of Hangzhou high school basketball is made like this

On the campus in July, there were more than 40 degrees of high temperatures above ...

From the first university admission notice from Xiangyang, Peking University to the fourth middle school

Hubei Daily Client News (All media reporter Zhou Shenglei correspondent Zhang Depi...

Zhao Ruoying, a student of Putian Fourth Middle School: Diligence and learning to ignite your dreams

Yesterday, the results of the college entrance examination were announced. Zhao Ru...

Hefei No. 4 Middle School was screened by this group of young people!

Future June 18, 2022Hefei No. 4 Middle SchoolThe 2022 Graduate Graduation Ceremo...

Three generations of teachers and students joined hands with peaches, and this high school in Wuhan reproduced this scene

Jimu Journalist Zou HaoCorrespondent Tao HuoyingIn Wuhan Xinzhou No. 4 Middle Scho...