Sudden!A bus caught fire, causing 7 people to death unfortunately!

According to CCTV News, on September 25, local time, a bus was launched in Lagos, ...

A bus caught fire, causing 7 people to die

September 25, Nigeria LagosA bus fireCause 7 passengers to die, injured multiple p...

Sudden!The bus was on fire, causing 7 people to die

According to CCTV news reports, on September 25, local time, a buses caught fire i...

Serious traffic accident, 16 dead

A serious traffic accident occurred in the early morning of Lagers, southwestern N...

At least 15 people died in Nigeria's shipwreck accident

Xinhua News Agency, July 10th (Reporter Guo Jun) Nigeria officials confirmed on the 10th that a shipwreck accident occurred in Lagos in the southwestern part of Nigeria, causing at least 15 people to

Nigerian President congratulated the Niche ports undertaken by China Enterprise to successfully stop at the first freighter

Xinhua News Agency, July 3rd (Reporter Guo Jun) Nigerian President Bukhari issued a statement on Abu on the 2nd, congratulating the first freighter of Nigeria, the first cargo ship in Nigeria, which w