Manchester United continue to hold hands with Malta Tourism Bureau

Recently, Malta Tourism Bureau and Manchester United Club jointly announced the ne...

Xi Jinping Xinxin Xun Maer Middle School "China Corner" teachers and students

Recently, President Xi Jinping believes in the Chinese corner teachers and students of Magolt Middle School, and encourages more Malta teenagers to actively participate in the cultural exchanges bet

Hello, early education news is here (2022.08.10)

To hear the ExpressRecently, President Xi Jinping believes in the Chinese corner t...

Xi Jinping Xinxin Xun Maer Middle School "China Corner" teachers and students

Xinhua News Agency, August 9th. Recently, President Xi Jinping believes in the Chinese corner teachers and students of Magolt Middle School, Malt, to encourage more Malta youths to actively particip

President Malta expressed support for Croatia to join the euro area

Xinhua News Agency, Vallea, July 11 (Reporter Chen Wenxian) Malta President Vera said on the 11th that Malta supports Croatia to join the euro area.Malta Presidential Palace issued a statement on the

The collapse of the Italian glaciers killed at least 6 people

[Global Times Comprehensive Report] On July 3rd, a glacier in the Italian Alps col...

Is it difficult for children to receive international education?

Regardless of whether it is in -campus or double reduction policies, the times have continued to improve, and education changes have become inevitable. However, although education has continued to red