Take non -heritage into rural schools to cut out the "Millennium Silk Road"

Students of paper -cutting community wearing paper -cut cultural shirts themselves...

Ningjin: Love is not idle, let AIDS nourish every childhood

Auntie, register here, this is your donation certificate. You get it well, but you...

Warm "new" financial services to help new citizens start a new life

Warm new financial services to help new citizens start a new lifeIn order to conscientiously implement the work requirements of the China Banking Regulatory Commission, the People's Bank of China an..

Ningjin County's first batch of property dispute arbitration mediation sub -centers and liaison stations were established

In order to effectively reduce social contradictions caused by property disputes i...

Ningcheng Street urban and rural pairing "hand in hand" civilization builds "benefit" together

On July 13, Ningcheng Street and Ningjin Debai's 100 Free Service Station went to ...

Ma Jianxun Ningcheng College Fu

Ma JianxunAbout the AuthorMa Jianxun, a native of Shenyang, Liaoning, lives in Su ...

Wang Cheng went to Ningcheng Street to participate in the organizational life meeting to conduct a special party lesson lecture

On June 28, Wang Cheng, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county ...