Shouwa!"Dachen" is wearing "China Red" and carnivated by passengers

On July 27th, with the sound of the whistle sounded, the luxury passenger ship Dac...

Interpretation 丨 The Interpretation of the Ministry of Transportation on Amending the Safety Management Rules of the People's Republic of China "

Recently, the Ministry of Transport announced the Decision on Modifying the Safety Management Rules of the People's Republic of China (Decision of the Ministry of Transportation Order No. 20 2022),...

The Ministry of Transportation's decision to amend the Safety Management Rules of the People's Republic of China (the Ministry of Transportation of the People's Republic of China No. 20 2022)

The Decision of the Ministry of Transportation on the Safety Management Rules of the People's Republic of China was approved by the 17th Ministry of Affairs on July 5, 2022, and it is now announced...

World Sea Member Day 丨 Xingchen Sea, belongs to her and his voyage story

The story of her and his voyageDay of the seafarerToday is the 12th World Sea Memb...