good news!Trains from Nanchang to Wuhan will launch a "monthly ticket"

latest news!China Railway Nanchang Bureau Group Co., Ltd. is expected to open a ne...

The high -speed rail "monthly ticket" comes to Liling East Station to "taste new"

The high -speed rail monthly ticket comes to Liling East Station to taste newPurchase and payment at one time, you can use it multiple times, and enjoy a certain discount discountOn September 5th,

The high -speed rail "monthly ticket" comes to Liling East Station to "taste new"

Purchase and payment at one time, you can use it multiple times, and enjoy a certa...

The Beijing -Hong Kong High -speed Railway Chang section launches regular tickets and counting votes

From July 27th, the Beijing -Hong Kong high -speed rail Nanchang to Shenzhen secti...

[Follow] Purchase multiple times at a time!The Kunmo section of the Chinese and Lao Lao Railway launched a counting and regular tickets

According to the China Railway Kunming Bureau Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referre...