The main tower of the Lijiayu Yangtze River Reproduction Bridge on Line 18 of the Rail Line 18 is expected to be at the end of the year

On September 27, the main tower of the south bank of the Lijiayu Yangtze River Rep...

Chengkun Railway Reunion Line T.

Wen Jingqin Du YunAt 15:18 on September 20th, with the last 32 -meter -long and 13...

The whole line is about to be on!Emei will realize directly to Kunming within 6 hours!

The Chengdu-Kun Railway Reunion Line is the need to implement my country's opening...

The decisive battle in the fourth quarter of a hundred days | The whole line is about to be opened!Chengkun Railway Reunion Line completes the full line beam

Kawaguan News reporter Wang MeilingAt 15:18 on September 20th, with a 32 -meter -l...

Follow | Chengdu to Kunming will shorten to 7 hours!CCTV "News Network" reports the latest progress of the construction

August 26thCCTV News Network reportedtodayThe main structureCompleted!Click on the...

The main structure of the main station of the Chengkun Railway Reunion Line is capped

On August 26, the reporter learned from the Chengkun Railway Corporation that the ...

The main structure of Xincheng Kunkun Railway Station is completed

On August 26, the reporter learned from the Chengkun Railway Co., Ltd. that the Ch...

The main structure of Chengkun -Kun Railway Reuntelle Strim

On August 26, with the capacity of a 24 -meter -high side station building at the ...

From July 5th, the Dudu Expressway Shuangsheng Hub and Qitian Hub have officially opened

Cover Journalist Zhong XiaoluCover reporters learned from the 16th Brigade of the ...