Is there a incubation period in thyroid cancer?Many people don't know the "secrets" of this

Is there a incubation period of cancer?Many people do not recognize this statement...

Jama Sub -journal: Only 46%of the thyroid "cancer" surgery is confirmed!Maybe a good phenomenon?

*For medical professionals for reading referenceIs the thyroid cancer over -diagno...

Long -term nasal congestion, difficulty swallowing, hoarseness ... Be wary of these head and neck cancer to come to the door!

Speaking of lung cancer, liver cancer, gastric cancer ...Everyone is familiar with...

What should I do if the thyroid nodules are found?If there are three characteristics, there may be risk of cancer!

Will the thyroid nodules develop into thyroid cancer? Today, Liu Jie, deputy chief...

The incidence has soared 20 times!This kind of cancer female incidence

Recently, my country's latest cancer report was released at the National Cancer Ce...