Summer outdoor activities should seek medical treatment in time after being bitten by the bite

Terrace bite can occur throughout the year, and from April to September each year, there is a period of active tapeworm. During this period, people's outdoor activities increased. Especially children.

Be careful!This fatal little worm does not do it after being bitten into the active period!

Recently, there are reports that Mr. Zhang, Jiangsu, was bitten by a tapeworm whil...

When the man camped, the tapeworm drilled into the body, beware of it!This deadly worm enters the active period

Recently, there are reports that Mr. Zhang, Jiangsu, was bitten by a tapeworm while camping with his family, and half of the worm drilled into his body. The doctor reminded that being bitten by tapewo

Be careful!A fatal little worm enters the active period

Recently, there are reports that Mr. Zhang, Jiangsu, was bitten by a tapeworm while camping with his family, and half of the worm drilled into his body. The doctor reminded that being bitten by tapewo