Wenxi County launched the "Shanxi Charity Propaganda Week" activity

The Charity Public Welfare News Recently, the Shanxi Province Wenxi County Civil Affairs Bureau, the County Charity Federation Union County Lishui Volunteer Association, and the Shanxing Volunteer Ass

Holding a heart without half of the grass -Watcher Lin Jinshan, who has rooted in the national education of the Tibetan Township

His boring and tasteless formula law makes the hard theory easy to understand; he ...

Nine homeless "unknown" settled in Xinning

(Correspondent Yang Jian Li Xiaoan Wang Linyou) On September 7, nine long -standin...

People are required to respond | When "Thousands of Miles Seeking for help" connect to Pingdingshan City 12345

Pingbu Rong Media Reporter Mao Xixi Wang DainuoOn the afternoon of August 2nd, the...

The "three measures" of the Antu County Civil Affairs Bureau do a good job

The Antu County Civil Affairs Bureau has always adhered to the principle of the pe...

2022 Lu Dusukao will start!This carnival named in the name of fire is waiting for your arrival

Want to see the grand occasion of Oriental Carnival?Want to roam or jump around wi...

Gaotai: All -minded cooperation to resist the epidemic voluntary service show

In the past few days, the vast number of volunteers in Gaotai County have actively...

The Lanling County Civil Affairs Bureau of Shandong Province promotes the social rescue policy "

In order to deepen the disclosure of government affairs, implement the initiative of social assistance to inform the mechanism, comprehensively improve the awareness rate of social assistance policies