Pleasing to the eye!Summer "double grabbing" busy, egret dances with "iron cow"

[On the field of hope] Overall the progress of early rice in early rice in the country is generally smooth

At present, the southern rice area has entered the busy season of double grabbing....

Cai Yanxiang -let the party flag flutter high in the field to help the big grain farmer busy "double grabbing"

Daxiang Rong Media (correspondent Yao Juxiang) In the double grab season in the mi...

Sanxiang Shi Ji Comment | "Double Robbing" what to grab

Right now, the province is entering the double grab season in the traditional sense. After the mature harvesting of the morning rice, you must immediately cultivate the field of seedlings. Be sure t

The wind blows the rice waves, the fragrant fragrance is open to harvest the "double grabbing" busy

It was another year's double grabbing.Recently, Baling Dadi machine roar,Agricultu...