Fangcun Hospital | This technical restoration of the "house" that has been severely damaged, let her usher in "good pregnancy"

Doctor, is my uterus destroyed? Do you still hope to have a baby? Xiao Yang, 35, f...

The woman's doped infertility for 2 years, using this little trick, she successfully received pregnancy after 1 month

After years of infertility for many years due to the polycystic ovary syndrome, Ms...

What happened to abnormal bleeding during the rehabilitation of the pot?You understand after reading it

Menstrual disorders and abnormal bleeding in the bottom of the pot,Is it caused by...

Nearly alleviated!Immunotherapy brings new treatment options for patients with endometrial cancer

*For medical professionals for reading referenceImmunotherapy will become the new ...

Isn't dysmenorrhea after giving birth?What may be misunderstanding of dysmenorrhea

According to the Chinese Women's Healthy White Paper in 2021, 50%of women are plagued by dysmenorrhea and are mainly mild dysmenorrhea. Among them, 33%are accompanied by moderate dysmenorrhea, and a..

Isn't dysmenorrhea after giving birth?What may be misunderstanding of dysmenorrhea

According to the Chinese Women's Healthy White Paper in 2021, 50%of women are plag...

Drink soy milk to add uterine endometrium?is this real?

The uterus is a place to bred life. She is like a room with endometrium with the i...

Why do polyps in the uterus, do I need surgery?

Zhimei recently received such a user message:@: Hello, can you do a period of cont...