Girls' congenital illness vision constantly diminish doctors who try their best to retain the remaining light

Hubei Daily News (Reporter Yu Jinyi, correspondent Pei Nishang) Due to abnormal ey...

Due to the severe eye pressure of the girl, the girl has a serious eye pressure exceeding the standard, and the doctor's surgery retains the light for her

Jimu Journalist Liao ShiqiCorrespondent Pei NishangDue to the abnormal development...

Being injured by a mop!Uncle Yiyang's eyes are unbearable, and the eye pressure is high.

One and a half months ago, Uncle Chen, who lived in Yiyang, accidentally injured h...

The 19 -year -old guy's nasal congestion headache eyes red, it turned out to be a special type of glaucoma

The Yangtze River Daily Big Wuhan Client August 29th (Correspondent Pei Nishang) 1...

Poor blood sugar control, uncle suffering from refractory glaucoma

Jimu Journalist Liao ShiqiCorrespondent Pei NishangI never thought that diabetes w...

Poor blood glucose control, 57 -year -old men's vision is difficult to recover

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan Client August 12 (Correspondent Pei Nishang) Neve...

Build a Beautiful Goose Tower | Healthy Action Entering the Community Careful Services Warm People's Hearts

Recently, the west survey community of Dayao Pagoda Street in Yanta District carri...

The man stepped on the stairs frequently, and found that he had glaucoma

Jimu Journalist Liao ShiqiCorrespondent Pei NishangWhen I stepped up and down the ...

Retired aunt often swipes mobile phones in the middle of the night, inducing the acute episodes of glaucoma

Wuhan Evening News July 15th (Correspondent Ao Panpan) Ms. Hu often insomnia with ...

The 13 -year -old student in Dongguan almost blind!Treated with glaucoma by the eyes of badminton rackets

Wen, Figure/Yangcheng Evening News reporter Wen Cong Correspondent Lin YuzhenRecen...