"Xiao+Power" emergency treatment of water pipe burst

Hello, suddenly the water is stopped, can you send someone to solve it. Zhang Qiny...

Recommended reading | Home appliances are not good to be alert to "cottage" fake

In the cool summer season, household appliances such as air conditioners, refrigerators and fans are often in high load -loading state. Electric appliances in many residents often have faults that nee

What should I do if the high -temperature weather continues to air -conditioning in Guangzhou?Maintenance expert support

Yangcheng Evening News all -media reporter Li ChunweiThe heat continued, and the air conditioner became a renewal artifact for many people. However, a neighborhood reported to the Yangcheng Evening

High -temperature Tianjia appliance failure increases during maintenance, be vigilant "cottage shop"

Photo/Visual ChinaYangcheng Evening News all -media reporter Ma CanThe high temper...