The itinerary "picking the stars" boosts confidence in the tourism industry's recovery

Canceling the itinerary card Star Number mark is not only the star on the communication stroke card, but also the star on the epidemic prevention and control measures in various places. Accelera

The itinerary card picks stars: "Star" is easy to remove, and it is difficult to remove the dark "star"

On the second day of the ninth edition of the New Coronatte Pneumonic Pneumonia Pr...

The itinerary card picks stars: "Star" is easy, except for dark "stars" difficult | Weekly comments

notThe real meaning of picking the starsThe changes in the concept and guideline b...

From 17:00 on the 28th to 17:00 on the 29th, there were no new increases, Nanjing "picking stars"!But experts remind ...

According to the latest data of the Nanjing Health Commission, from 17:00 on June ...