Online sales pirated book chaos survey: Can the book selling one and two % off online can it be genuine?

● The regular printing plant generally does not print pirated books, and most of the pirated books are printed by some small workshops. The reporter's investigation found that in the post -related po

Online sales of pirated books chaos: Can the book on the Internet sell for 10 % off? Is it genuine?

Not long ago, Ms. Shandong Wu purchased two sets of children's classification books Lights on the Mountain on a book specialty store on an e -commerce platform, each with a price of 327 yuan. At tha..

Investigate the chaos of pirated books on online sales. Can one and two discount books be genuine?

● The regular printing plant generally does not print pirated books, and most of the pirated books are printed by some small workshops. The reporter's investigation found that in the post -related po

Dangdang Board byte "Pirate Books Magic Finger", changed his mouth to "Efforts to promote the small platform for big platforms" 7 days later

The guidance of the headline chasing traffic has become the magic finger of pirate...