"Ishii Longtan" travel camera

Author:Benevole Time:2022.07.26

"Ishii Longtan" travel camera

The husband "Shijing Longtan", Yanya's place is also famous. Whenever the flood season comes, the water of the River River is soaring, and the narrow and broken fracture zone of Shijia Longtan is scheduled at 90 °. The taste of Chibi "". It is done today, and it is used:

Small Hedong,

The waves are exhausted,

Old man!

Phoenix Yin,

Humanity is,

Cowherd Weaving Girl Ishi.

Random stones are empty,

Shocking shore,

Roll up thousands of snow.

The rivers and mountains are picturesque,

How many vulgar people.

Think of Niu Lai that year,

The weaver girl turned away,



Tears, tears,

Scold the mother's heart black.

New Tour,

The old appearance becomes new,

The mountain township changes.

Life is like a dream,

You have to play!

"Ishii Longtan" is not only beautiful and extraordinary, but also a feng shui treasure with deep cultural heritage and storytelling. According to legend, Shijinghe Village was established during the Golden Run (1115-1116), formerly known as Yangjiazhuang. There are grandma tops in the south, lone mountains in the west, ancient temples in the east, and emperor temples in the middle of the village. The reason why Ishii River was called Shi Jinghe during the Qing Dynasty, the rainfall caused a rare flood to flood out the east of the village out of a canyon, and the water flow to form a vortex.

Between the "Shiji Longtan", there is a poem between the two phoenixes of the north and south of the north and the south. According to the legend, the bottom of the well is connected to the East China Dragon Palace, and the water flows through all year.

Ishii Longtan also has a beautiful legend. A long time ago, the emperor Jade Emperor liked to see the mountains and water here, so he used the meal here. If he accidentally dropped the jade bowl in the Shijing, the jade bowl will emerge from the people in the surrounding people. Those who need business, just ask for it at Ishii, and the required things are emerging in the water. Until one day, after a family in the village, I felt that the bowl was very exquisite, so I moved myself and left a part of it. The Emperor Jade Emperor punished the people's dishonesty and retracted the jade bowl. Since then, Ishii has never emerged. After aware of the mistakes, the people are worshiped by the temple, and educate future generations should be honest.

The Jade Emperor Temple is located next to Shijing Shiwai, Shiji Village. It was originally a temple group. There were Jade Emperor Temple, Grandma Temple, Longwang Temple, etc., and a bell drumstone. Before the liberation, there were Taoist priests lived, and the incense was flourishing. There were inscriptions on the temple that the Tai Gong Diaoyutai in the east to Qingya (Taigong Diaoyutai was bombed after dredging the river after liberation). It is the geographical range on the temple. That is, the current Shijinghe Village, Wangzhuang Village, Xibaiyu Village, Houjiaguanzhuang Village, and Nan Liujiazhuang Village are all monk and temple management. At that time, the scale was evident. There is a big clock hanging on the bell and drums. There are 12 teeth edges on the clock. Each tooth edge emits different rhythms. The bell -making technology is quite superb. During the Anti -Japanese War, the Kuomintang army was transported to the Shenqing Palace Military Factory to make iron and made into a grenade shell. It's a pity. There is an ancient locust tree and ancient cypress tree on each side of the Bell and Drum Tower. The trunk is upright, and there are more than two hugs.

The Jade Emperor Temple was built during the orthodox year of the Ming Dynasty. It was rebuilt during the Wanli years. After several artillery baptisms, it eventually became a ruin. In 2016, the villagers were called on the enthusiastic villagers Li Jingkun, Wang Juncheng, etc. to actively donate and rebuilt the temple.

Grandma is located at the junction of Shijinghe Village and Xizheng Village. Grandma's top is the palace of Grandma Taishan. It is known as "Xiaotai Mountain". The temple was built in the Sui Dynasty, with a steep cliff on all sides. The unique beamless building was made of stones. Nantianmen is built on the edge of the cliff, and below is the bottomless gap. The temple is dedicated to Grandma Taishan and the statue of Guanyin Guanyin. On February 15th of the lunar calendar every year, the temple fairy faire day. The villagers from Shili and Eight Townships around are coming.

The mountains and mountains here are connected, and the lone mountain is a lone mountain. Gunshan, also known as "Gushan", has a solid gold soup and is indestructible. The slopes below the south, east, and north are gentle, with steep on the top, cliffs on the west, the top of the mountain is extremely flat, and a fence is built around. During the war, villagers from several villages around them avoided the war. The wall site on the mountain is still clearly visible.

A touching story also occurred on the Gunshan. According to legend, the bandit leader Liu Heiqi led the territorial bandits to the abacus of our village, set fire to burn the house in the village, and instructed the troops to attack the Mountains, and the life and property of hundreds of villagers on the mountain was seriously threatened. At the critical juncture, Zhang Tingchen decisively called on everyone to calm down, reinforce work, and actively fight. Zhang Tingchen once gave the bandit Sun Yingzan as a guards and practiced a good marksmanship. When the bandits attacked the mountain, he raised his gun and shot, killed his gun, and fell into a virtuality. The bandits determined that there must be a regular army of the Eighth Route Army on the mountain. They did not dare to attack rashly, so they retreated without fighting, so that the villagers in the mountains were eliminated for charcoal. Zhang Tingchen has never been famous.

In recent years, Yang Qingwen, a young and promising city party party, has paid close attention to party building, accurate poverty alleviation, followed the opportunity of rural revitalization, and focused on the construction of beautiful rural areas.Vigorously develop new fruits such as large cherry, newly repaired 1500 meters high standard cement plowing road, give full play to the special strengths of their investment promotion, introduce talent funds, jointly set up the export -exit small and micro enterprise "Jinghe Food Co., Ltd." and the pepper processing plant.Product bags of black tea are sold to Nanyang countries such as Malaysia, which can increase their income for more than 100,000 yuan for the village.The appearance of the village and villagers and the spirit of the villagers are all overwhelmed., Wet in the skirt robe, jade feet, blooming, passionate, lingering forgotten, happy and not thinking about it ...


July 26, 2002

In the morning, it is not even more words

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