What is the responsibility of the "grass" platform?

Author:China Tourism News Time:2022.08.19

1. Public opinion review

At 15:30 on August 13th, local heavy rainfall appeared in the mountainous area of ​​Longmen Mountain Town, Pengzhou City, Sichuan Province, causing sudden mountain floods in the Longconggou area, causing some people who were leisure in the ditch to be trapped. The sudden flood disaster caused a total of 7 people to be killed and 8 people were injured. According to media reports and netizens' reports, Longconggou was recommended by many online bloggers, and some platforms even labeled them as tourist attractions. In fact, Longcougou is not a scenic spot, but a flood channel forbiding.

In recent years, under the recommendation of social media, the "wild" Internet celebrity punching point has attracted many netizens to "grow grass", but these locations are mostly at dangerous points, and some environmental carrying capacity is limited, lack of tourism supporting facilities, and seem to be scenery. Unique, but hidden safety hazards. The Internet celebrity punch -in safety accidents that have frequently entered the public vision have caused the painful tragedy of casualties. Each time it will cause public doubts and accusations, and the relevant aspects will also make deep review and reflection, but these are not avoided. The accident happened again.

Second, related events

Event 1: Dalian net red rushing to the sea floating bridge breaks, a large number of tourists were trapped

On the afternoon of August 15, 2022, a large number of tourists came to Dalian to catch up with the sea of ​​"Golden Stone Beach West Sea Fishing Port", but the floating bridge on the water suddenly broke, causing tourists to be trapped. It is reported that the incident did not cause casualties, and the trapped tourists eventually went ashore safely, and the place of incident was not a regular scenic spot.

Incident 2: Tianjin and Hubei Scenic Spot Internet Red suspension bridges have accidents in succession, a total of one death and one injury

On July 22, 2022, the "Step Step" Internet celebrity suspension bridge project in Tianjin and Hubei Scenic Area accidents in one day: when the "Step Step by Step by Step by Step by Step" project in Jiushan Top Scenic Area, Jizhou District, Tianjin Visitors suddenly fell from high altitude and died of death; a 4A -level scenic spot in Hubei Province, the Enshi Earth Heart Valley Scenic Area, a boy fell down the valley from the net red suspension bridge, and he was injured in multiple places.

Incident 3: Suddenly accidental accident, the man driving off -road vehicles when he drove off the off -road vehicle, unfortunately died

On the afternoon of December 6, 2021, an accident occurred in the net red punch place in Qingyuan District, Baoding City, Hebei Province. An accident occurred when a off -road vehicle climbed, and the driver fell from the car to his life. It is understood that after the spread of the "net red pit", it has attracted countless off -road vehicles and onlookers to gather.

Incident 4: Henan Yuzhou Reservoir spills into a "net red pool", a boy was washed away while playing

In September 2021, due to the continuous rainfall in the Yuzhou Paifang Reservoir in Henan, the drainage of the reservoir flooding channel was very dangerous. Because the paperframe reservoir is circulated on the Internet, it is "Internet celebrity punching land", so it attracts many people to step on the water in the reservoir to step on the water. On October 1st, a boy was rushed into the long water pond by the water and died unfortunately.

Incident 5: A family of four played the net red punching place "chaotic stone beach" was trapped in the river beach, and the risk after emergency rescue

On June 26, 2021, a family of four played the "chaotic stone beach" in the Taojiang section of Yiyang, Yiyang, Yiyang, Hunan. Due to the continuous rise of the river, the four could not return to the shore safely and were trapped in the rapids. After long rescue, four were rescued ashore.

Incident 6: Guizhou net red attraction "Guan Ling Bingju", a tourist was unfortunately killed when he took a picture

On September 2, 2020, a young man took a picture near the Guanling Bingju deep waters of Guoling City, Anshun City, Guizhou Province. Due to the complicated water situation, after two days of search and rescue, the relevant personnel finally salvaged it, and it was confirmed that it had died. It is understood that Guan Ling Bingjiu also belongs to an uns development area, but was used as a net red punch in the "donkey friend" to share the adventure travel notes.

Incident 7: Two "donkey friends" challenge the net red waterfall and was killed by cliffs

On August 23, 2020, six "donkey friends" from Hunan, Chongqing and other places went to the popular attraction of the Internet -Di Shuitan Waterfall in Guizhou. Two of these Chongqing "donkey friends" were trapped in the waterfall semi -center during the fall of the waterfall. After rescue, the two trapped people were rescued, but they were killed unfortunately.

Incident 8: "Net Red Payment Land" to avoid the emergence of the gorge, a total of 13 people were killed

On August 4, 2019, Hubei Hubei Hefeng County had emerged in the evening of the spots in the gorge, causing some players to be washed away, and some players were trapped, which eventually killed 13 people. It is reported that avoiding the gorge as an uns development attraction, maintaining the original ecology and the high quality of tourism. In recent years, the attraction has become popular on the Internet, attracting a large number of tourists to come to explore spontaneously.

Incident 9: Tourists come to the "Internet Red Beach" to take pictures and play water, and the accident occurs in a row.

In August 2018, the river beach formed after the flood discharge of the first reservoir in Suining in Sichuan. After being shared by the local net red to the social platform, it turned into a "net red beach", attracting tourists to take pictures and even swim. Due to the complex terrain of the river beach, it was located near the gate. Two accidents were issued within 7 days of the month, which caused 5 people to fall into the water and 3 people.

Event 10: Qinghai Net Red Highway caused 8 accidents due to taking pictures

Some sections of the 315 National Highway in Golmud City, Qinghai Province are called "Internet Red Highways". The rolling U -shaped highways stopped many tourists and took pictures in the middle of the highway. According to the Qinghai Traffic Police Corps, since 2018, 8 traffic accidents have occurred on the National Highway 315.

3. Communication situation

The public opinion monitoring of the Culture and Tourism Public Opinion Labs shows that after every incident occurs, it will attract great attention from society and become a major public opinion incident. Not only the official and authoritative media will report and comment, but the relevant content of the media platform will also attract hundreds of millions of netizens' attention and discussion. For example, the Longconggou incident in Pengzhou, Sichuan. From August 13th to 16th, the total amount of information related to the dangerous incident in the risk incident of Pengzhou Longgou Mountains reached 307,181, and the Weibo platform was quickly spread within a few days, causing a large number of netizens to discuss, occupying most of the popularity.微博相关话题:#彭州山洪#、#亲历者讲述彭州山洪现场#、#彭州山洪事发地不是正规景区#、#彭州山洪伤亡情况#等累计阅读超过13.1亿人次。

For another example, from July 22nd to 28th, the total information related to the public opinion incident with the "Tianjin Hubei Net Red Hanging Bridge Incident" reached 11,4283, and it was quickly spread within two days. Related topics caused heated discussions on the Weibo platform. The scenic area tourists fell to death.

Another example is the accidental fall of tourists in Shanglin She. From August 1st to 6th, the total amount of information related to the public opinion incident with the "Shanglin Shechian Falling" reached 1,3309, and within two days, it quickly spread through channels such as Weibo, website and forums, and WeChat public accounts. Related topics have caused heated discussions on the Weibo platform.

For example, in 2019, Hubei Enshi Prefecture Hefeng County evaded the mountain flood incident, and the influential media such as Yangguang.com, Xinhuanet, Guangming.com and other influential media were concerned about reporting the incident. Scenic areas have emerged in mountain floods#,#has been read and discussed more than 460 million times.

Fourth, public opinion analysis

Culture and tourism public opinion laboratories have comprehensively sorted out the views of the media and netizens on incident analysis and comments after the occurrence of previous accidents.

(1) Recommended "grass" that condemned the irresponsible online bloggers, believed that this behavior was suspected of misleading and false propaganda, and said that the platform supervision was difficult to blame. Supervision and management.

"China Tourism News" in the relevant reports: How to avoid similar unsafe "Wild Scenic Area" as an Internet celebrity punch place that attracts many tourists is worth thinking about. The network platform has been fulfilled to social responsibility, and cannot deliberately recommend, drain, mark protection measures or there is a hidden safety hazard for traffic. Scenic Area "posts and articles. In addition, you should also deal with a video with a certain tendency to make a warning mark, and do your best to make the risk prompt obligation, and then let tourists scientifically screen and treat the "wild scenic spot" with caution. territory.

The surging special commentator believes that the landmark of the incident is marked as an app in the scenic spot, and the Internet platform of "grass" to users should also be reflected. It is conceivable that even if people see security warnings, they are easy to produce a psychological presets on the formal app, but it is safe and reliable. These clues that should have been attached to the platform are easily let go, which is very regrettable.

Zhang Zhi'an, a professor at the School of Journalism of Fudan University, believes that for the Internet platform, there is a certain difficulty in tracking all risky "net red attractions". However, the platform has an active risk prompt for the "Internet Red Attractions".

Zhu Wei, deputy director of the Communication Law Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, said: Communication related posts on social platforms, attracting more tourists to play here, and continuously recommend more netizens to see the platform of this post through algorithms All should bear the responsibility of disseminating illegal information.

Shi Jianqing, the founder of the Mideo CAMP App, said: When social platforms are doing tourism guide drainage and recommendation, they must have a bottom line. The operating team should review whether the bloggers have a hidden safety hazard.

A senior person who has worked on a well -known platform for many years believes that the attractions cannot be recommended casually, especially the unqualified "wild attractions". Strictly speaking, "wild attractions" are not attractions at all. In the Internet era, online bloggers like to release beautiful landscape videos to increase powder, but the premise is that the recommendation places must be safe and reliable, with synergy qualifications, rather than just for the eyeballs. Social platforms should be more stringent to review works such as "wild attractions", and risky works should not be released.

(2) Although the management department does not need to be responsible for the improper behavior of tourists, it is necessary to see the hidden dangers behind the travel security of online celebrities. Essence At the same time, many incidents also reflect the lack of safety education for tourists, and relevant departments should increase their work and improve their emergency capabilities.

"China Tourism" pointed out in the relevant report: It was very distressing that the pursuit of accidental casualties in the pursuit of beauty and joy. Although the competent authorities and scenic spots have launched project shutdown, safety hazards investigation, and investigation of accidents in time, how to deal with the relationship between pursuit of shocking stimulus and ensuring tourism safety with a more scientific attitude and rigorous measures, and strictly prevent similarity to prevent similarity. The occurrence of safety accidents requires further considerations of scenic spots, tourists and related aspects. Cultural and tourism administrative departments in various places have strengthened supervision through special actions, supervision and inspection, etc., solidly investigate and in -depth hidden dangers of major risks, and effectively prevent problems before they occur. There are also comments that tourism companies and scenic spots should strengthen the risk assessment of tourism projects. When the operator releases tourist attractions without commercial development, it is necessary to verify whether the place is prohibited or enter. The scenic area should also arrange safety hazards in advance to do a good job of safety plans and emergency protection.

(3) In addition to sympathy for the victims of the victims, there are also public opinion that tourists themselves need to enhance their awareness of safety, to be awesome and responsible for life. At the same time, there are also voices that tourists shall borne by themselves for rescue expenses incurred due to no compliance.

"China Tourism News" in the relevant reports: From the perspective of tourists, whether there is sufficient tourism safety risk awareness, whether to comply with the participation rules and warning requirements of the irritating tourism project, and whether they have the physical and mental foundation of participating in outdoor irritating experience activities Conditions and necessary skills, whether the emergency handling capacity and experience of responding to outdoor accidents are directly related to the safety of personal tourism activities.

In this Pengzhou Longtou Gulf Mountains, the relevant lawyers said in an interview with Wen Journal: Floods are natural disasters and are legal force majeure. Scenic areas and managers should have the obligation to remind and prevent the risks that may exist, and tourists themselves themselves themselves themselves themselves themselves themselves themselves themselves. It is also necessary to achieve self -protection and prevention obligations. Surgery is the result that everyone is unwilling to see. However, at present, the government and managers have fulfilled their obligations, and the main responsibilities must be the tourists themselves.

The surging special commentator believes that tourists should have enough awe of "wild" in the field of lack of awareness of the wild environment.

Some people in the tourism industry suggest: Do not go to "wild attractions". If the "net red punching place" is relatively safe and not "wild attractions", then tourists need some common sense of outdoor tourism, including the ability to hedge and wild life Ability, etc., many outdoor activities are not suitable for all tourists. Tourists should be cautious when choosing a destination and traveling way.

Contact number: 010-85168075 (Editor: Cao Xuewen)

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