Huangshan, Anhui: "Digital Sentinel" innovative exploration of intelligent epidemic prevention and control

Author:Anhui released Time:2022.06.18

Huangshan Tourism continues to use digital intellectuals to empower tourism innovation and development. Shortly after the launch of AR digital commemorative creative tickets, the "digital sentry" was first enabled to enhance the experience of visitors to enter the park, and providing Huangshan tourism models for exploring intelligent epidemic prevention and control in the national scenic spot.

According to Huangshan Tourism staff, the "digital sentry" smart epidemic in Huangshan Scenic Area is fast, convenient and accurate to verify the health code information and registration efficiency of the personnel, and improve the tourist experience and the efficiency of epidemic prevention in the scenic area. To solve the problems of long -term waiting time and normal entry into the park due to the weak mobile phone signal, it brings great convenience to the elderly and children's special groups such as the elderly and children.

"A lot of convenience! In the past, I had to check the health code and the itinerary one by one. Now it can display various types of information as long as it is verified, and it also reduces the necessary contact. She can pass the gate in a few seconds." Ms. Li, a tourist, praised.

The technical personnel of the construction and operation and maintenance units of the smart epidemic prevention and control all over the Huangshan Scenic Area said that through the "digital sentry", it helps to improve the accuracy of the epidemic prevention and control of the scenic area, and help improve the management efficiency and tourist experience of the scenic area. At the same time It helps reduce the number of artificial artificially and increase the cost of reducing costs. (Zhang Yizhen)

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