One week travel news 丨 2022, Issue 24

Author:China Tourism News Time:2022.06.24

Supporting tourism companies' policy measures and measures to continuously implement the details

Recently, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism issued a notice that from July 1st to July 31st, the monthly cultural and tourism enterprise service month activities will be organized. The theme of the activity is "helping the enterprise to relieve the development", and aims to launch a number of forms of various forms, targeted, visible service activities and beneficiary measures to help cultural tourism companies relieve difficulties, boost industry development confidence in the industry's development confidence Essence

The support of enterprises in various places has continued to increase. Hainan Province arranges 50 million yuan of special funds to subsidize and support qualified A -level tourist attractions, coconut rural tourist spots, travel agencies, star hotels, rural homestays and other tourism companies. By online smart tourism platforms and start -the -themed publicity activities, help cultural tourism enterprises to resume development; Jilin Province actively understands the needs of tourism enterprises, carry out the "service enterprise month" activities, and organizes policies to support enterprises, publicize gangs, activities with enterprises, strong enterprises, strong companies, strong 16 key tasks and specific activities such as Kenfangs and Difficulties; Shanxi Province launched the implementation of the "Hundred Cities and Hundred Districts" culture and tourism consumption to help enterprises and benefit the people. Optimize the mobile payment model of key scenic spots to enhance tourist consumption experience.

The summer tourist season is coming to the market to accelerate the recovery

The summer is approaching, and local governments and tourism companies have made their efforts to attract people to travel and accelerate the warmth of the tourism market by introducing preferential policies and creating special activities. Xiamen launched a number of A -level scenic spots for free ticket measures, and distributed a summer cultural tourism consumption coupon worth 10 million yuan; Qinghai launched the Cultural Travel Huimin Consumer Consumer Consumer Consumer Consumer Consumer Consumer Consumer Course; For tourists free of tickets, the limit is 20,000 daily; the Tianmen Mountain National Forest Park, Hunan South China has launched preferential measures for student groups.

In addition, Hubei and Ningxia have recently restored cross -provincial team tourism in the near future, and they are seizing the summer tourism market business opportunities to help the tourism market recover. According to the OTA platform, the number of tourists on the summer of this year is expected to continue to grow. Summer avoidance and hydrophilic tour will become a popular theme for people's summer travel. However, at the moment, in the flood season, some areas suffered a heavy rain attack and flood disasters occurred, which led to the suspension of the railway and the closure of the scenic area. Here, we should remind everyone to check the local weather before travel and arrange the travel route reasonably.

Hong Kong Forbidden City Cultural Museum is completed and opened

On June 22, the Hong Kong Palace Museum opened the museum and will be officially opened to the public on July 2.

The Hong Kong Palace Museum is located on the banks of Victoria Harbor. The main building is a 7 -storey museum building with an appearance like ancient Fang Ding. At the opening exhibition, more than 900 cultural relics from the Palace Museum will be unveiled, many of which are publicly displayed in Hong Kong for the first time, and some exhibits are only 1 month. It is understood that there are currently about 140,000 tickets on the Internet, and more than half of them have been sold. Citizens and tourists have said that they want to see the style of national treasure as soon as possible.

Camping script killing is favored by young people

Recently, the camping script was killed in second- and third -tier cities, and many young people shared this new offline social entertainment activities on social platforms.

Camping script killing is the product of "holding group heating" in the script killing and camping industry. Affected by the epidemic, some script killing stores were suspended from business. Some stores took the opportunity to launch the "script kill takeaway" service, that is, the script killing host brought the book to the camping site. With the two gimmicks of script killing and camping, this fresh game has attracted the attention of many young people. However, some people believe that the camping script has greatly affected the weather and the site environment, and the script adaptation is limited. It cannot be expanded on a large scale for a long time. In addition, this product needs to cooperate with multiple parties. In a micro -profit state.

Some experts said that in terms of current situation, in addition to external assistance such as government policy support, the survival and development of enterprises must eventually rely on their own motivation and vitality to improve and innovate traditional products and services. Transformation first opportunity. Although there are not many "holding the group" such as script killing and camping industries, it may be possible to provide new ideas for self -rescue for cultural tourism companies, such as cross -border combination with other industries, long -term complement, enrich product types, enhance tourists to enhance tourists, enhance tourists to tourists Experience and participation, walk out of the new way of "tourism+".

Electronic tour guide certificate expires can be postponed

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism recently stated that it will carry out various types of licenses in the cultural and tourism market to continue the "extension of the office" of the business, and various licenses, including the electronic tour guide certificate, can be extended. That is, if the license expires from January 1st to June 30th, the period of the certificate renewal continues to December 31; if the license expires from July 1 to December 31, The expiration date is postponed for 6 months.

Multi -countries in the world relax their entry restrictions

Recently, in order to revitalize the economy, countries around the world have continued to relax entry restrictions and open doors to welcome guests. Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries have basically canceled their entry restrictions and domestic travel restrictions, aiming to fully restore the pillar industrial tourism industry to accelerate and recover. New Zealand canceled the requirements for nucleic acid testing before the departure of inbound passengers on June 20. It only needs to provide a proof of vaccination to complete the proof of vaccination, and it will be fully released on July 31. Finland has announced that all immigration restrictions related to the epidemic will be canceled on June 30. By then, passengers from all over the world will no longer need to provide a new crown vaccination certificate or nucleic acid negative test results. With the ease of the epidemic situation, some domestic airlines have also announced that they are expected to increase international flights. It is expected to be performed at the end of June. Short news

1. "Guidelines for the Preparation of Self -driving Road Books" openly soliciting opinions

Recently, the National Tourism Standardization Technology Commission has publicly solicited opinions on the tourism industry standard "Guidelines for the preparation of self -driving roads" (draft for comments), and the deadline is August 20. The "Guide" released this time puts forward scientific, systematic and standardized technical guidance and methods for the organizational information, destination information, and security information of self -driving tour activities. For details, please check the relevant reports of China Tourism News Client.

2. China has built the world's first rim desert railway route

Recently, the opening of the southern edge of the Taklama -Ganan Desert and the opening of the Ruo Railway, marking the closed -loop operation of the first desert railway ring line in China and the world. The total length of the Ruo Railway is 825 kilometers, starting from Xinjiang Hetian City in the west and Ruoqian County, Bayin Guo Leng Mongolia Autonomous Prefecture. After opening to traffic, it brings more tourists along the cities along the line. Essence

3. Operation operation of the largest railway station in Asia

On June 20, Beijing Fengtai Railway Station was officially opened. The construction area of ​​this largest railway hub station in Asia is about 400,000 square meters, which is about two and a half of the Forbidden City. It can accommodate up to 14,000 people at the same time per hour. The station has 32 to reach the starting line. The station is also the first large -scale station in China with overlapping high -speed rail and general iron double -layer parking lots. It has formed a three -dimensional transportation model of "top -level high -speed rail, ground railway, and underground subway". Convenient.

4. Beijing Global Resort will gradually restore the flow limit opening

On June 22, Beijing Global Resort released news that operations will be restored in stages. Among them, Universal Studios Hotel and Urban Avenue will be opened on June 24, Universal Studios Theme Park will be opened on June 25, and the Norkin Holiday Hotel will be restored on July 1. Tourists entering the resort must hold negative certificates for effective nucleic acid detection within 72 hours and make an appointment in advance. (Author: Yang Xuehan Li Niwei; Editor: Cao Xuewen)

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