Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Ensure that the supply chain of key industries such as automobiles such as automobiles is stable and smooth

Author:Colorful Time:2022.07.19

China News Service, July 19th. On the 19th, the National New Office held a press conference on the development of industrial and informatization in the first half of 2022. Tao Qing, the head of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that the Ministry As the primary task of industrial growth, the chain is quickly adopted with relevant departments and relevant places to ensure the stability and smooth supply of the industrial chain supply chain.

The first is to focus on key areas and make every effort to open up the card. Establish a daily dispatch mechanism for key provinces and cities at the first time, and coordinate the problem of solving the problems of logistics transportation, poor upstream and downstream connection. Send the work group in front to strengthen cross -regional coordination, and do a good job of closed -loop management and stable production under the prevention and control conditions of key regional epidemic conditions.

The second is to focus on key enterprises and establish a "white list" system. Focusing on key areas such as key supplies of medical epidemic prevention, supplies essential materials for residents, important supplies of agricultural production, and key supplies such as strategic industries, key enterprises have been released to release key enterprises "white lists" to unblock key nodes of the industrial chain supply chain. At the same time, instructing more than 20,000 "white list" enterprises in various places to realize regional recognition and promote cooperative resumption of work and re -production.

The third is to focus on key industries and promote upstream and downstream docking services. Establish a platform for supply chain coordination platforms such as automobiles, integrated circuits, and medical supplies, and establish a "red light" early warning mechanism with the inventory of automobile enterprise parts and components of less than 3 days, and the "red, yellow and blue" early warning coordination mechanism of raw material supply The supply of raw materials reflected by the enterprise, employee return, logistics transportation and other issues. The national industrial and informatization systems coordinate more than 54,000 corporate demands in a timely manner, helping upstream and downstream and re -production.

With the joint efforts of various regions and departments, the supply chain of the industrial chain has become increasingly unblocked, and the industrial economy has quickly reversed the decline and achieved recovery growth. At present, industrial enterprises above designated size in the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta resume normal production, and the production capacity of key industrial chains such as automobiles and integrated circuits has also been fully restored.

Tao Qing said that in the next step, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will thoroughly implement the decision -making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, efficiently coordinate the prevention and control of the epidemic and industrial production, and further promote the stable production of enterprises.

The first is to strengthen the monitoring of the operation of key areas, industries, and key enterprises. Based on the "whitelist" enterprise of the key industry chain supply chain supply chain, we must grasp the service guarantee work, promote the stable production of key node enterprises, and fully restore the comprehensive recovery Capacity.

The second is to guide the area where the epidemic is implemented to implement the epidemic prevention and control measures in the production process, effectively implement stable production plans and emergency plans, and do a good job of stable production under the conditions of epidemic prevention and control. It should be said that after the impact and experience of March and April, many companies and many places have formed their own emergency plans in time. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is also very confident. Under any impact, it can quickly achieve closed -loop management and stable production.

The third is to further improve the coordination platform of the key industrial chain supply chain, improve the "red, yellow and blue" early warning mechanism of the supply and demand of large products, strengthen the supply of automotive chips, promote the coordination and linkage between regions and upstream and downstream, and ensure that the supply chain of key industries such as automobiles and integrated circuits is stable. Unblocked. (Zhongxin Finance)

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