Children's telephone watch buying "watch" also watch "core"

Author:Consumer Daily Time:2022.07.19

□ Our reporter Lu Yue

The summer is approaching, and the children's watch market is heating up again. Whether it is an offline physical store or an e -commerce platform, the search volume and sales of this category have shown significantly. Under the huge market needs of "one of every three children 5-12 years old", children's watches have become "high energy such as high-energy "Products have become the" standard "of more and more families.

Industry insiders pointed out that behind the high -speed development market and a variety of products, it is the high concern of parents for products such as product quality, information security, anti -addiction and other issues. It is also a must for industry supervision and continuous development and improvement of product quality. With the implementation of the first national standard for children's watches on November 1 this year, it will provide more basis for consumers how to choose children's watch products more scientifically and rigorously.

"Completion of Function" Parents to buy the primary goal

What is worth buying platform data shows that near the summer vacation, the number of "children's watches" in the station has increased significantly, while the sales of related products in the past three years have increased by 37%each year. During the visit, the reporter learned that in addition to professional children's watch brands such as small genius, Xiaoshu, and Mi Rabbit, many giants including Huawei, 360, and Xiaomi have also launched their children's watch products. Seeing on multiple e -commerce platforms, the sales volume of Xiaoyi Telephone Watch Q1A, Xiaoxun Telephone Y2S, Miju Children's Watch 5C, 360 Children's Watch 9X series and other sales are relatively high.

Smart watch market research data shows that most adult users pay much attention to health detection than calls, videos, positioning and other functions. Health monitoring functions have become one of the main factors that affect consumers' purchase of adult smart watches. Unlike adults, in the purchase behavior of children's watches, wireless communications, information security and the improvement of student functions have become the most critical basis for consumers and parents. During the visit, the reporter noticed that the call and positioning technology, as the common point of force of different brands, the cool appearance, and subdivision functions such as the main sports, learning application, growth habits, and social networking. The main basis of differentiation is the attention of more consumers.

Zhao Lu, a consumer who lives in Fengtai District, Beijing, is preparing to buy a children's watch for 5 -year -old children in the summer vacation. She frankly said to reporters that she hopes that during the work, she can pay attention to the children's travel situation and personal safety through my watch, and also hope to cultivate children's learning and living habits through more built -in functions. "So I am going to start with children's watches that focuses on 'growth technology', which can not only develop a habit development plan, conduct various types of knowledge and answer, and have a strong reward mechanism, which is in line with her own needs." But at the same time, Zhao Lu also admitted frankly It is more anxious about the current security risks such as information leakage that may exist in children's watches.

The biggest concern of parents' hidden dangers of information security

The reporter learned that the current consumer watches may have the concerns of hidden safety hazards. It comes from the March CCTV 315 party in March this year that some miscellaneous low -end children's smart watches exist in children's information security risks. In this regard, the relevant person in charge of Xiaoxun Children's Watch admits that in fact, most of the well -known brands in children's watches have comprehensive information security protection capabilities. Through the closed system, security audit, encryption methods, etc. The possibility of leak.

The reporter learned that in addition to the continuous strengthening of the information security function of the product, the supervision and industry level also focused on the safety of children's watch products. Since the beginning of this year, the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau has strengthened its supervision of children's smart watches; the China Quality Certification Center and China Saibao Laboratory, Little Genius, Huawei, Xiaoxun and other industries have jointly drafted the CQC certification to be released soon to release. Based on the national standard of children's watches in our country, GB/T 41411-2022 "Children's Watch" is the basis. Focusing on the two aspects of terminal security and communication security, 21 assessment items are established, covering the hidden dangers that consumers are not easy to judge but may exist. Realize the scientific and targetedness of children's smart watches assessment.

The person in charge pointed out that with the official implementation of the national standard of children's watches on November 1st this year, the GB/T 41411-2022 "Children's Watch" will not only fill in children's smart watches certification blank and establish industry basic standard , Let inferior watches have nowhere to hide. The reporter learned that many head brands, including Xiaoxun, have obtained CQC certification higher than GB/T 41411-2022 "Children's Watch".

"Chip" is key but consumers have low attention

"Because the group is a child, in addition to using product practicality and stability as the primary consideration when buying, parents are also more willing to pay for product quality and brand." What is worth buying the business operation center Zhang Yuang For example, many parents are most concerned about the positioning function of the watch, and the accuracy of its positioning function is often determined by different positioning chips, so the chip has a greater impact on the function and performance of children's watches. "But in fact, but relative to the functions and concepts of the product, parents have low attention to 'chip'." Zhang Yuang admitted.

"The functions, characteristics, and computing power of the chip are the key to a strong child watch performance." The relevant person in charge of the well -known domestic chip dealer Ziguang Zhanrui said in an interview with reporters that the power consumption optimization technology of various function modules of the chip said It can ensure that the high -quality long battery life of the terminal products; the blessing of the underlying chip technology will also have an advantage in terms of information security and performance stability that parents are most concerned about. The reporter noticed that as a chip supplier of children's watches such as small genius, reading, Xiaoshu, Xiaomi Rabbit, Sogou, etc., domestic chip brands Ziguang Zhanrui only 8521e chip platform, which has exceeded the global 4G children's smart watch market share exceeding more 50%, while achieving the industry first, show the power of "China core" to the world. "The chip as the core of building product capabilities, the upper limit of the capacity determines the upper limit of children's watch terminal products." Xiaoxun Children's Watch Relevant person in charge suggested that although the chip as a built -in core, it is difficult to directly identify from the product appearance and introduction, but the visibility is selected Higher brands can greatly improve. For other matters that you need to pay attention to in the purchase, he pointed out: "First of all, you should take the initiative to check whether there are basic logos such as 3C certification and network access license. With CQC and other higher -level certifications, the product will be more reliable; secondly, look at the system version again. , Choose a high version or closed system as much as possible; finally, pay attention to key indicators such as memory, pixels, battery capacity, camera, social platform, waterproof level, etc. "The person pointed out that consumers with more demand for the function of the opponent, there are more demand for the function of the watch. According to your own situation, you can choose children's watches of different focus such as sports, learning, and growth.

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