Agricultural issuance of Nanyang Branch to carry out job activities to monitor the creation of Qingfeng righteousness

Author:Focusing point Time:2022.07.19

In order to build a stable and healthy political atmosphere for the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, since this year, the Nanyang Branch has regularly carried out a solid performance and social activity inspection and supervision in the entire jurisdiction. In particular, do a good job in the ideological and political work and talks of employees, resolve contradictions, promote the whole line of unity and harmony, and give full play to the role of policy banks.

For this reason, since this year, the bank has further strengthened the supervision and management of employees 8 hours, and also focused on strengthening inspection and supervision of the "first -leader" of all levels, especially the "first leaders", and in -depth grasp of the full grasp The positions of staff positions are lazy and the risk of clean government, preventing inaction, slow actions, and chaos, etc., eliminates malfeasance and abuse of power, etc., and sort out the list of risks of the job cleaning government, and further convey the atmosphere of strict management of the party's management and strict management. , Every time you must fight, you must win every crown, the positive atmosphere of hardships and strives, attach importance to solving the problem of abnormal behaviors, conduct in -depth employees' abnormal attendance investigation, employee abnormal behavior investigation, and further increase the drunk driving for employees, drunk driving, drunk driving, drunk driving, drunk driving, drunk driving, The investigation and subsequent disposal of long -term outburst and violations of foreign guarantees and other violations of laws and disciplines have been actively evaluated to improve the high -quality completion of various tasks in the second half of the year, consolidating the foundation in the second half of the year. (Correspondent Liang Dongkang)

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