Grasp the opportunity of the digital economy era, scholars' family talks together, the new trend of integration

Author:China Economic Network Time:2022.07.27

On July 8th, China Information and Communication Research Institute released the "China Digital Economic Development Report (2022)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Report"). The "Report" shows that in 2021, my country's digital economy scale reached 45.5 trillion yuan, accounting for 39.8%of GDP. The role of the digital economy as the "stabilizer" and "accelerator" of the national economy is even more prominent. Industrial digitalization continues to become the main engine of the development of the digital economy.

Recently, the Symposium on the New Trend of Digital Federation was held in Beijing. Liu Shijin, Vice Chairman of the China Development Research Foundation, Liu Shangxi, Dean of the Chinese Academy of Finance, Fan Gang, Dean of China (Shenzhen) Comprehensive Development and Research Institute, and National Development of Peking University National Development Huang Yiping, deputy dean of the Research Institute, Chen Long, vice president of Alibaba Group, An Xiaopeng, deputy dean of Ali Research Institute, and Chen Xu, director of the strategic strategy of Alibaba Cloud attended the seminar.

The digital economy will be the most important economic form in the future

Digital technology is accelerating the integration with the real economy, and the digital economy may become the most important economic form in the future. Liu Shijin believes that digital technology is combined with entity from the beginning. Without a real fusion, the data cannot develop. In practice, the combination of the digital economy and the production process presents several significant features: First, the application of digital technology to the real economy, transforming into the digital economy requires three key elements: increase in information density, network -type connection, space and time optimization The second is that the previous stage of integration is consumption, and the next stage enters production; third is that deep learning and blockchain technology have become stronger and stronger in real integration.

In Liu Shangxi's view, the digital economy will become the leading economic form in the future. The development process of the digital economy is actually the process of digitalization of various industries. Now you should target digitalization. "Based on digitalization, based on industrialization", seize the current rare historical opportunities, and quickly switch the various industries to the digital track. The degree of digitalization of China's economy has been close to 40%, and it is necessary to measure today's digitalization like measuring the industrial revolution.

An Xiaopeng combined with the latest "China Digital Economic Development Report" pointed out that in 2021, China's digital economy scale was 4.55 trillion yuan, which was composed of two parts: digital industrialization and digital industrial digitalization. Digital industrialization is 8.35 trillion, and industrial digitalization is 3.718 trillion. From a statistical perspective, the digital economy itself is an important part of the real economy.

Digital technology is moving from the consumption side to the production side

Digital integration is moving from consumption to production, and the digital solutions provided by technology companies will play an important role in it. Fan Gang believes that most of the more successful digital platforms are on the consumer side. Whether it is payment, online shopping, takeaway, car booking or social networking, it has accompanied the growth of 100 billion consumers to important market forces. Now technology has begun to move towards the direction. Production end. However, the digitalization process of China's manufacturing industry is still relatively lagging, and it is even more than international. There are hardware issues, and enterprises should measure the cost and return of the Internet of Things hardware. Secondly, digital transformation is a change in corporate structure and organizational form in a certain sense. Whether digital technology companies can provide low cost solutions are manufacturing enterprises capable Whether to actively embrace the important factor of digitalization and successful digitalization.

In the process of the fusion of the digital economy and the real economy, the proportion of manufacturing in the manufacturing industry declined, Liu Shijin believes that the proportion of manufacturing cannot be reduced too fast, but it is also necessary to avoid only the "manufacturing department" as a physical enterprise. In fact, this kind of physical enterprise, China is not only lacking, but is surplus. What is really competitive in the real economy is actually a company that has been transformed by digitalization.

Fan Gang proposed that China should vigorously develop the productive service industry. What is the digital technology now is the productive service industry, who is the service? —— Serving manufacturing and serving the real economy. Digital technology providers like Alibaba are providing productive services for the manufacturing industry and are professional services. This comes from long -term accumulation and continuous research.

From the perspective of the platform economy, Huang Yiping pointed out that the platform will move from integrating consumers to integrated producers. Since the development of the platform economy in the 1990s, one of the few areas in China so far in the field of pursuit of the frontiers of international economic and technological. These platforms mainly integrate consumers in the past. The important new content in the future is integrating producers, forming different combinations between different producers.

A few days ago, Alibaba released the "2022 Real Fusion Trends Observation", providing the industry with five new trends observation of digital technology and the deep integration of the real economy. This report pointed out that the real integration is moving from consumption to production, from dining tables to land; from large enterprises to small and medium -sized enterprises, from digitalization to natural digitalization; at the same time, digital and low -carbonization begin to develop twin. Generally speaking, the real fusion presents three stages: in the 1.0 era, the digital economy and the real economy are simply added, and digital elements begin to seep into the real economy; in the 2.0 era, the digital economy is accelerated with the real economy, and digital appears in many fields. The economic leading development of the economy; in the 3.0 era, the development of all industries benefited from digital technology promotion. You have me and me among you.

Digital integration makes small and medium -sized enterprises more competitive

The era of fusion is an era that allows small and medium -sized enterprises to be more competitive. Chen Long, vice president of Alibaba, believes that the fusion of digital is the inevitable trend of digitalization in the second half of the second half, which is essentially the process from the value chain link to the digitalization of the full value chain. In the past, because of the pursuit of scale and standardization, the competitiveness of small enterprises was limited. However, during the phase of fusion, through the symbiosis of individuals and platforms, many new species rose to form "small and beautiful competitiveness." This "small and beautiful" and the symbiotic development of the platform is a different feature that is different from the industrial revolution. Fan Gang proposed that in the productive service industry, large enterprises must provide more comprehensive solutions and contribute to the digitalization of the manufacturing industry. He mentioned that in recent years, some economists have made a very important argument: the market structure of millions of small enterprises in full competition is not necessarily the best and most efficient market structure. It is mainly because the price competition of small companies can indeed reduce the cost of final consumers, but it may lack innovation. Because of the meager profits, small companies have no ability to invest in innovation.

So how does the innovation of large enterprises benefit small and medium -sized enterprises? Chen Xu proposed that a real integration has an important trend is inclusive. Large companies have many R & D personnel and can enjoy high -quality technology platforms. Small -scale innovative companies are often at a disadvantage due to lack of relevant capital investment. Relying on platforms like cloud computing today, the technical standards enjoyed by enterprises of different sizes are exactly the same, which is more conducive to innovation. For example, a 21 million enterprise users have been carried out, which generates 3.5 million applications and supports more than 50%of specialized new enterprises. The technology base it provides these companies is the same. From this perspective, digital technology is conducive to the innovation of small enterprises.

How to maintain international competitiveness in the era of digital economy

The digitalization of the real economy is the future development space, the national security lies, and the international competitiveness. Liu Shangxi pointed out that the rules of digitalization are the rules of global governance in the future. In this sense, digitalization must not only be high -quality, but also high speed. An Xiaopeng proposed that after 4 years of reform and opening up, China has formed four firsts in the field of digital economy: China is the world's largest consumer Internet country, the world's largest social zero country, the world's largest digital consumer country, the world's largest largest consumer country, the world's largest largest consumer, the world's largest Manufacturing country. Digitalization will connect the advantages of these four major powers as a main line to form a superposition effect, aggregation effect and multiplier effect. The improvement of the consumer Internet capabilities is passed on to the manufacturing end of the precise insights of consumers' needs to make precise predictions and decisions for marketing, operation, product innovation, intelligent manufacturing, and channel management. Advantage.

Furthermore, the digital economy itself does not have a boundary or even national borders, which requires scale benefits to bring competitive advantages. Fan Gang emphasized that if there are too many obstacles, it restricts development. Furthermore, the proportion of Chinese digital economy companies in the international market, compared with GAFA (Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon), still needs to catch up. In the past two years, from the market value of large platform companies to the number of unicorn, China has begun to lag behind people. Both innovation and international competition should better encourage large enterprises to develop healthy.

Experts also shared their views on the boundaries and responsibilities of large enterprises. Liu Shangxi pointed out that the digital platform is a micro foundation for the digital economy. Digital platforms should be supported and encouraged to consolidate the micro foundation of the digital economy and support digitalization. On this basis, the digitalization of our society and the digitalization of the government. Huang Yiping shared the basic conclusions of the research on platform economy for more than a year: When digital technology is applied to the economy, it is not possible to use traditional economic and policy concepts to look at new issues. Anti -monopoly is not a concept in the oil industry and the platform economy. This is because: the platform economy has a large -scale economy, scope economy, and network effect. It cannot be simply based on market share theory, and it should also pay attention to "competitive conditions". The platform economy and the digital economy are originally economically economy. If the scale of the enterprise is large enough, anti -monopoly starts, and is split according to the traditional practice, then this industry is basically gone, and international competition is not even more talked about.

Digital integration will further promote innovation

Participating experts believe that economic development must rely on innovation at a new stage, and the platform economy and digital economy are important forces to support innovation. Regarding the impact of the current wave of digital economy, Liu Shijin started from the history of technological changes and pointed out that when the train replaced the carriage, if the train only took care of the carriage, the train could not drive? After the high -speed rail comes out, the green leather train naturally becomes less, so social progress cannot be blocked. The economics community often talks about "creative destruction". When creative destruction occurs, it brings benefits to everyone. This process is also a process of re -distribution of interests. In the short term, there are indeed losers and winners, but it will eventually promote progress.

The enterprise represented by Alibaba is in depth participation in the digitalization of the real economy, and provides innovative digital transformation solutions for various industries. In this regard, An Xiaopeng proposed the concept of "history reduction". He said that the contribution of digital technology to innovation is very important: user in -depth participation, low cost trial error, high frequency iteration, and data -driven. Based on digital twin simulation, people are building a new model of trial and error in zero -cost trial and error. In the past, the high -speed rail was produced, from 100 kilometers to 200 kilometers, and continuously verified on the spot to ensure that the voltage and current are stable and safe. Today, the virtual high -speed rail can run on the virtual Beijing -Shanghai line, which greatly improves the verification efficiency. Similarly, in recent years, a number of native companies in traditional industries have risen rapidly. For Alibaba, in the past five or six or six years, the rise of Hema Xiansheng, Rhino Zhicha, and Antelope, digital native enterprises have rebuilt a new set of technical architecture and solutions. It can be seen that digital technology brings a new revolution to innovation, and An Xiaopeng defines it as "time reduction history" -the frequency of innovation is getting faster and faster. Judging from the cases made by Alibaba Cloud to many companies, the analysis cycle of new products incubation, distribution and operation, and the cycle of innovation closed loop are extremely compressed. Today's competition is high -frequency competition, which has achieved acceleration of all links. It is a magic weapon for corporate competition and a method of uncertainty.

Industrial digitalization has become an unstoppable wave, and enterprises should firmly seize the opportunity of the digital economy. Regarding the integration of the digital economy and the real economy, Liu Shijin said that it may set the real economy's digital rate goals to achieve 100 % digitalization of the real economy. Liu Shangxi believes that due to the universality, non -competitiveness and non -substantiveness of digital technology, it will bring deep penetration, factor sharing, and cross -border integration. In the future, the organizational methods and production lifestyles of the entire economy and society will exist in digitization. Huang Yiping said that it is just like the "steam engine" in the early days of the industrial revolution, but today it will not talk about this concept. Looking forward to the future, when all industries are digitized, the concept of "digital economy" may no longer exist.

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