Zhang Wenzhong, Chairman of Multi -DMALL and founder of Wumi Group: Tianjin's high -quality development is obvious to all

Author:Jinyun client Time:2022.08.02

Jinyun News: On August 2nd, 2022 Yabuli China Entrepreneurs Forum · Tianjin Summit opened in Jin. At the opening ceremony, Yabuli Forum 2020-2021 rotating chairman, Zhang Wenzhong, chairman of Multi-DMALL and founder of Wumi Group, said at the opening speech, "Tianjin, the city, has been very respectful to entrepreneurs over the years. We are all obvious to the improvement of quality development and the great improvement of the business environment. "

"There are very rich issues at this summit." Zhang Wenzhong said, "Although the number of participants in the meeting has limited, the participants from the conference come from all directions. In addition to the directors and entrepreneurs of the Yabuli Forum, there are also well -known National Industry and Commerce Federation. Entrepreneurs committee, etc. "

"We need to make good use of this rare opportunity for the Yabuli Forum to promote entrepreneurial spirit, innovate and dare to create; continue to comprehensively promote Chinese enterprises, Chinese economies, and Chinese society to embrace digitalization. Digitalization is our future." Zhang Wenzhong Said, "Tianjin is trying to build a marketization, rule of law, and international business environment. Let us do better in Tianjin's land and on the land of China!" Dai Tao)

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