Ministry of Commerce: Vigorously organize the national RCEP series of special training

Author:Zhongxin Jingwei Time:2022.06.16

Zhongxin Jingwei, June 16th. On the 16th, the Ministry of Commerce held a routine press conference. At the press conference, a spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce, Shu Jianting, said that the construction of customs, trade promotion and localities actively carried out the construction of public service platforms for free trade agreement, and provided guidelines for enterprise applications and enjoying the rules of the agreement and using the rules of the agreement.

According to a reporter, in the face of the complex situation at home and abroad, how will the Ministry of Commerce and relevant departments help the majority of enterprises make better use of free trade agreements, especially how to speed up the release of RCEP dividends?

Shu Jianting responded to this that the Ministry of Commerce attaches great importance to improving the ability of enterprises to use the free trade agreement. In order to help enterprises familiarize themselves with and use the RCEP agreement to better enjoy regional open dividends, we actively carry out related work.

The first is to increase its efforts to promote the implementation of the "Guiding Opinions on High -quality Implementation of RCEP". Further promote local, industry and enterprises to seize the development of agreement development, coordinate the docking of various fields, promote enterprises to adapt to a more open environment, more fully competition, expand regional and global markets to a greater extent, and promote the continuous release of RCEP dividends.

The second is to vigorously organize the national RCEP series of special training. On the basis of successfully hosting three national training last year, this year we have formulated a larger effort, wider coverage, and stronger annual training plan, and strive to solve the problem of non -use policies for enterprises. As of now, the four -phase series of special training has been held. The participating companies have covered the country and have penetrated into the county and the county. More than 250,000 people have participated and achieved good results. In the future, we will combine local and enterprise demands to continue to improve the professionalism and pertinence of training courses, further expand the coverage of small and medium -sized enterprises, and benefit more enterprises.

The third is to do a good job of public services for enterprises. Give full play to the role of the China Free Trade Zone Service Network Public Service Platform, do a good job of information release and online consultation, facilitate enterprise inquiry agreements, understand the rules and information of the country's other business environment, intellectual property services, etc., provide "one -stop" service Essence At the same time, pay attention to exerting joint efforts, promote the construction of customs, trade promotions and localities to actively carry out the construction of public service platforms for free trade agreements, and provide guidelines for enterprise applications and enjoy the rules of the agreement and use the rules of the agreement. (Zhongxin Jingwei APP)

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