International oil prices have fallen until six months in the past six months, the minimum domestic oil price may welcome the "four consecutive declines" today

Author:Jining News Network Time:2022.08.09

China News Service, August 9th (CITIC Ge Cheng) With the "roller coaster" market in international oil prices, domestic oil prices are expected to usher in the "four consecutive declines" market after experiencing the "four consecutive rises".

At 24:00 on August 9th, a new round of domestic oil -based price -adjustment windows will be opened. The institution predicts that the price of refined oil products will show a decline and usher in the fifth reduction in the year.

On August 8th, the price in a gas station in Shijingshan District, Beijing showed that the price of gasoline No. 92 was 8.54 yuan; 95 was 9.09 yuan. Photo by China New Finance Ge Cheng

In this round of pricing cycle, international oil prices have fallen to the lowest level in half a year, and they have risen all the gains since the Russia -Ukraine conflict. On August 4, the settlement price of WTI crude oil futures in the United States fell 2.34%to US $ 88.54 per barrel. The settlement price of Brent crude oil futures fell 2.75%to $ 94.12 per barrel. On August 8, the oil continued to fall after the opening of the oil. As of press time, it was reported to $ 93.42 per barrel, which was only one step away from the $ 90 mark per barrel.

Affected by the low fluctuation of international crude oil prices, the institutional estimates that as of August 8, the ninth working day of the price adjustment cycle of this round of refined oil products, referring to the average price of crude oil varieties of $ 99.38 per barrel, and a change rate of -1.64%. It is expected that domestic gasoline is expected to be The downgrade of diesel is 110 yuan per ton, equivalent to about 0.08 yuan per liter of gasoline and diesel.

From the perspective of Jin Lianchuang Reinforcement Oil Analyst Han Zhengji, recently, the international oil prices have shown a trend of shocks. Investors have continued to wait and see. International crude oil has been at a low point since the beginning of February. At present, the market's concerns about the prospect of economic decline heating up, investors are worried that this will seriously impact the prospects of energy growth in energy demand.

However, Han Zhengji also said that the support of the supply of oil prices still exists, especially after OPEC+only increases production, OPEC (OPEC) is difficult to increase production and has been attracted to investors again. In addition, with the restart of the Iranian negotiations, the US -Iranlier relations are more noteworthy.

In 2022, the price adjustment of the domestic refined oil calendar. (Data source: National Development and Reform Commission)

"The decline in international oil prices is caused by the three factors of politics, economy and finance." Dong Xiucheng, Executive Dean of the International Business Strategy Research Institute of the University of Foreign Economic and Trade, said in an interview with China New Finance and Economics. The demand will weaken. "Therefore, he believes that there is still room for decline in international oil prices.

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