Yangfang Town: "Zero distance" relieves difficulties, "heart attachment" helps enterprises to develop

Author:Beijing Changping officially r Time:2022.08.25

In recent years, Yangfang Town has made precise policies, solved the needs of enterprises, worried about the concerns of enterprises, "open up the pulse" for enterprises, relieves difficulties, and helps the high -quality development of enterprises in the jurisdiction.

Beijing Lizhen Huafu Electric Technology Co., Ltd. is a professional manufacturer dedicated to R & D, production and sales of high -voltage inverters. During the epidemic, enterprises encountered a lot of problems in the detection and sampling of employee nucleic acid detection and transportation, and urgently needed to solve them. After understanding the situation of the relevant departments of Yangfang Town, they contacted the enterprise as soon as possible to help the enterprise relieve the difficulties.

"During the epidemic period, nucleic acid testing is needed for three consecutive days. There are many employees of our enterprises. At that time, the urgent problem was that there were many people and dispersed the risk of infection of nucleic acids." Beijing Lizhen Huafu Electric Technology Co., Ltd.'s factory affairs and safety departments Manager Zhang Lijuan said, "After learning about Yangfang Town, he immediately arranged a nucleic acid testing agency to come to the enterprise site to provide safe and convenient services for employees to provide safe and convenient services to help companies solve actual difficulties."

In addition to setting up temporary nucleic acid detection and sampling points in the corporate park, solving the normal work of employees, and allowing the company to produce and operate normally, Yangfang Town also established the "Yangfang Town Service Enterprise Account" to implement the team members "service package" and "service housekeeper "System, strengthen policy publicity and active serving enterprises.

"Our raw material freight logistics needs to be transported from Hebei, Shanghai and other places, but at that time, due to the prevention and control requirements of the epidemic, we could not enter Beijing. After understanding the situation, we helped us to interpret relevant policies. The transportation problem is solved. "Zhang Lijuan told reporters excitedly that it really solved their big problems.

It is also the "service package" and "service housekeeper" system of Yangfang Town. It is also the Yili Bei Ocean (Beijing) Food Co., Ltd.. At present, the company's various tasks are advancing in an orderly manner. During the epidemic, the development and freight logistics of the Yili Arctic Ocean (Beijing) Food Co., Ltd. were all affected. More than 50 people have vigorously promoted assistance to enterprises to promote employment. In addition, it also builds a platform for it, holds the catering company chamber of commerce to help enterprises promote new products.

According to Niu Huhu, general manager of the Yili Beauty (Beijing) Food Co., Ltd., during the epidemic, the leaders of the relevant departments of Yangfang Town came to the factory for condolences and guidance, learned about the operation of the factory in detail, actively helped the factory to solve the difficulty of transportation, ensured the normal operation of the factory, and ensured the normal operation of the factory. , Make the factory overcome difficulties during the prevention and control of the epidemic, normally produce, and provide strong support for enterprises.

In order to promote the economic development of the town and serve good enterprises, Yangfang Town strictly implements the "service package" and "service butler" system. In the first half of the year, members of the town team visited 56 companies, and a total of 153 companies visited the enterprises. There are more than 200 copies, and more than 100 explanation policies are explained in the point of view. It fully implements the work requirements of "everything is wrong, everywhere, and must be responding to", and effectively solve the problem of enterprise development. The satisfaction rate is 100%.

The "service package" and "service housekeeper" system is an innovative practice of optimizing the business environment of Yangfang Town. According to the provision of inclusive policies according to the positioning of the enterprise, solve the problem of information asymmetry, and the bottleneck encountered in the establishment of enterprises and the development of the enterprise. Tailor -made policies, coordination help to solve the formation of normalized service enterprise mechanisms, realize real moves, see practical results, and help enterprises better develop.

Xu Lijun, mayor of Yangfang Town, said that in the next step, Yangfang Town will continue to help and support the enterprises in the jurisdiction, implement the work system of "one enterprise, one file", improve the corporate database, help the enterprise rescue, and continue to carry out policies. Solving problems, excellent services, visiting operations, effectively solving problems for enterprises, and promoting high -quality development of enterprises.

Photo/Wang Xingyu

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