Fuzhou City has introduced a single enterprise for a new technical reform policy to enjoy up to 12 million yuan in discounts

Author:Fuzhou News Network Time:2022.09.07

Fuzhou News Network, September 6th (Xuejue reporter Li Qi) Recently, the reporter learned from the Fuzhou Industry and Information Bureau that in order to promote the transformation and transformation and upgrading of enterprises, the Municipal Industry and Information Bureau, the Municipal Finance Bureau, and the Municipal Local Financial Supervision and Management The bureau jointly issued the "Notice on Printing and Distributing the Implementation Plan for Financing Loans of the Fuzhou Technology Reconstruction Project". After the implementation of the policy, Fuzhou's required enterprises can enjoy up to 12 million yuan in discounts.

You can directly get low -interest loans for up to 12 million yuan in discounts 12 million yuan

According to this policy, eligible enterprises in Fuzhou can apply for a technology transformation project financing loan. The maximum loan funds of a single enterprise will invest 200 million yuan in loan funds, and the annualized interest rate is not higher than that of the loan market quotation rate (LPR) of more than five years in the same period. Base point, a 3%annualized loan discount is given on the basis of loan interest rates.

For example, the technical reform project implemented by an enterprise has been reported in the "Recommended Catalog of Fuzhou Technical Reform Project Financing Project Financing Project Financing Project". The total investment of this project is 500 million yuan, and bank loans are 300 million yuan. According to the policy of the actual loan amount of a single enterprise, 200 million yuan of bank loans can enjoy loan discounts.

It is assumed that the loan interest rate determined by the project company and the bank is 5%annualized and the loan period is 5 years. Within the first two years of the first loan funds, you can enjoy the actual loan discount of 3%of the annualized loan. If the first loan will put all the 200 million yuan, then theoretically, the maximum discount funds are 200 million yuan × 3%× 2 = 0.12 billion yuan, which can save up to 12 million yuan in financing costs for enterprises.

At the same time, the new policy support enterprise directly obtains the low -interest loan after discounting, and the Municipal Industry and Information Bureau and the bank directly settle settlement, and hand over the processing work to the department and the bank. The enterprise does not need to declare separately. Compared with the traditional model that enterprises first pay loan interest and then declare fiscal discounts, they not only reduce corporate financing costs, but also improve corporate financing efficiency.

It should be noted that companies that have enjoyed discounting policies that year will no longer repeat the investment subsidy of municipal technical reform projects.

Implementation of the recommendation directory management through the Golden Service Cloud Platform Application

It is understood that the loan target supported by the policy is the technical transformation project of the manufacturing enterprise registered in Fuzhou, and the recommendation catalog management is implemented. The reconstruction project has formed the "Recommended Catalog of Financing and Discipline of Fuzhou Technical Reform Projects".

If an enterprise wants to apply for the recommendation directory, the project needs to complete the approval or filing procedures, and it has reached a certain depth during the construction stage or the preliminary work. At the same time, the total investment of the project needs to reach more than 5 million yuan, of which project equipment (including software) investment accounts for more than 30%of the total investment.

The project implementation enterprises are reviewed and recommended by the county (city) district industry and district industry and information departments. Bank applications shall be assisted by the cooperation bank to submit the information on financing demand for fixed asset loans through the Golden Service Cloud Platform. After being accepted and approved by the bank, the project loan contract can be signed and the loan can be applied.

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