The "charm value" of A shares is constantly climbing and attracting more international attention

Author:Securities daily Time:2022.06.21


On June 21, three years ago, A shares were officially included in the FTSE Russell Global Stock Index; now, the three international indexes have included A shares into its index system. This reflects the importance and investment value of the A -share market in the global capital market.

From the perspective of data, foreign institutions have confirmed the attractiveness of the A -share market with practical actions: from 2019 to 2021, my country's stock market introduced a total of 887.4 billion yuan in foreign capital. As of June 20 this year, the funds in the north have accumulated a total of 47.8 billion yuan. Except for the net sales in March, the remaining months were purchased. At the same time, more and more foreign institutions such as hedge funds, sovereignty funds, and other foreign -funded institutions have expressed their optimism in the Chinese market, frequently investigated A -share listed companies, and increased their positions.

The data reflects the recognition of the investment value of the A -share market. This recognition is also a manifestation of confidence -it comes from confidence in the charm of the A -share market itself, and it comes from confidence in the strong toughness and vitality of the Chinese economy.

The strong toughness and vitality of China's economy are the long -term stability of the A -share market.

At present, the international economic situation is complicated, and the uncertainty of the international capital market has also increased. However, the strong toughness of China's economy has strengthened the confidence of international investors.

Judging from the "transcript" of May in May, as the effectiveness of domestic stable growth policies and measures gradually emerged, the economic operation in May has changed positively. Most of the main indicators have improved: the increase in industrial added value above the national size increased year -on -year increased year -on -year growth increased year -on -year increase. 0.7%, an increase of 5.61%month -on -month, showing the strong toughness of industrial production; in May, the retail sales of consumer goods in May narrowed to 6.7%year -on -year, and rose from the month to 0.05%. It can be seen that the continuous recovery of my country's economic recovery is positive and improved, and the characteristics of great development potential, sufficient toughness, and wide space have not changed. Long -term good economic fundamentals are the basis for the stable operation of the A -share market, and it is also the confidence of international investors to increase the Chinese capital market.

China's capital market has continuously advanced reform and opening up to continue to increase the charm index of the A -share market.

Promoting reforms and promoting greater opening up with reform are the only way for the high -quality development of the capital market. In recent years, the capital market has continuously promoted the reform of stock issuance registration systems, the market basic system construction has been further optimized and improved, the vitality of market entities has increased, and the ecological environment has gradually improved. At present, the number of investors has exceeded 200 million, and the total market value of listed companies ranks second in the world.

While deepening the reform, the pace of opening up the capital market has continued to accelerate, and the foreign -funded stock ratio restrictions on securities, futures and fund management companies has been fully released, the Shanghai -Shenzhen -Hong Kong -opening mechanism has continued to improve, and the futures market opening is deepened ...

Through reform and opening up, it not only releases more vitality to the market, but also brings more incremental value to the market, and further enhances the charm index of the A -share market.

Although the A -share market will still be affected by the international environment in the short term, it is believed that there are strong toughness and vitality of China's economy to be backed up. As the charm index of the A -share market continues to rise, more international investors will look at their attention. Invest in the Chinese market.

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