The new face of the twenty presence of the gift is the one -year harvest season.

Author:Affects Sichuan Time:2022.09.24

It is another year of harvest season, and the rice on the banks of the River is fragrant!

At the beginning of the autumn wind, the rice is fragrant, and it will be closed in the autumn of the year!

On the shore of the Seluo River in Xiaoxing, the layers of rice fields slowly rolled along the river, and it was golden under the autumn faint. Under the blue sky and white clouds, the golden field is bright and charming! Let's go, walk into this beautiful field with us. During the stop, close your eyes, and deeply smell the taste of this harvest, and joy spreads slowly in his heart. Harvest, only a bumper harvest can make people so happy!

Perhaps it is because of the unique water and soil quality of the La Luohe River, or because of this to this day, from water release, rake, fertilization, planting seedlings, grass, drying, drying, and rice, the process of cultivation is still the same as the ancestors when farming. We have the same pulse. What is sowing is hope, and what is harvested is the deep affection for this land! Each pearl rice was given a magical fragrance when growing up. The legend of "a family cooking rice, the whole village smells incense" still continues in Xiaoxing.

China must be strong, and agriculture must be strong.

With the comprehensive victory of Pugge's poverty alleviation campaign and the sound of rural revitalization, "Xiaoxing Field Pearl Rice" has gone out of Pugge and began to enter the table of millions of households. It is necessary to continue to broaden farmers' income channels, promote high -quality agricultural development, and the development trend of large -scale planting and industrialization. In 2022, the construction of the Modern Agricultural Industrial Park of Xiaoxing Farm was officially launched. I believe that in the near future, the bowl of white, soft, and sweet rice on your table is that this is from the River River, which is really far away from pollution. , Ecological "Xiaoxing Field Pearl Rice".

Reporter: Chen Weiqin Yin Bin Du Xing

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