Over 26 trillion yuan again!Public fund -scale data at the end of the year is expected to sprint 3 trillion yuan

Author:Securities daily Time:2022.07.01

Wen | Chang Xueyu

The total scale of public funds exceeded 26 trillion yuan again at the end of May. On the evening of June 29, the China Securities Investment Fund Industry Association (hereinafter referred to as the "China Foundation Association") announced the latest public fund market data that as of May 2022, a total of 153 public fund managers in my country have managed 9,872 public offerings Fund products, a total of 2.626 trillion yuan in net value of the product assets. (Photo source: Screenshot of the official website of the China -foundation Association) In May, a new domestic fund management company's public fund -raising funds were added for two consecutive months to increase. As of the end of May 2022, there were 139 fund management companies in my country, which was 4 At the end of the month, one was added. Among them, there were 45 foreign investment fund management companies, and no new month was added; one to 94 domestic fund management companies were added. There are 12 securities companies or securities company asset management subsidiaries and 2 insurance asset management companies that have obtained public fund management qualifications. In addition, as of the end of May 2022, the net value of public fund assets managed by the 153 institutions a total of 2.6.26 trillion yuan, the highest scale of the historically at the end of February of 2.6.34 trillion yuan; this is also the data from the data in March this year. , Rising for 2 consecutive months. At the same time, the total number of public funds is also increasing, with a single monthly share of 3.7 trillion yuan, and the total share reached 2.398 trillion yuan at the end of May, a record high in recent years. Judging from the overall situation of this year, although the A -share market is widened, the total scale of public fund management has achieved steady growth. From 2.556 trillion yuan at the end of last year, to 2.626 trillion yuan at the end of May this year, the first 5 this year, 5 this year, 5 this year. A total of about 7 trillion yuan in a month; at the same time, the fund share increased from 2.178 trillion yuan at the end of last year to 2.398 trillion copies at the end of May this year. it is good. Watching/Changxueyu Shanghai Securities Fund Evaluation Research Center Senior Fund Analyst and Ph.D. Sun Guiping told reporters of the Securities Daily that with the surge in short -term financial management such as funding such as funding, the interbank deposit index funds have become explosive products. This drives the scale of the new fund to usher in a rebound. Affected by the continuous adjustment of the capital market this year, the fund issuance market has been cold, and the issuance scale of the new fund has rebounded since the bottom of February, especially in May due to the "explosive" issuance of the second batch of interbank deposit index funds in May. The impact is significantly improved. "The capital market is warming the net value of the stock fund rebound, and the scale of the fund has risen significantly." Sun Guiping also believes that the domestic A -share market at the end of April 2022 has a significant rebound in the domestic A -share market. With 4.59%, the bond market also performed well in May. The yield of the CSI TEU index in May was 0.66%, a new month high since February. According to Tian Lihui, the dean of the Institute of Financial Development of Nankai University, the toughness of my country's economy and the high -quality development of listed companies still attract capital funds to flow into the public fund. Bond fund share increased in May in May. In June, the total scale of public funds may exceed 27 trillion yuan. According to data released by the China -Foundation Association, different types of fund products have a greater difference in share and net value in May. From the perspective of the share, as of the end of May 2022, among the open funds, the highest growth rate was bond funds, with a monthly share of 2.24 trillion yuan, reaching 3.96 trillion copies at the end of May; 200 trillion copies reached 1.103 trillion yuan at the end of May; QDII funds rose 9.89 billion yuan slightly, reaching 2.25 trillion copies at the end of May. The share of stock funds and hybrid funds has declined, and stock funds have decreased by 10.131 billion yuan in a single monthly share, and the end of May to 1.76 trillion copies; hybrid funds have a single monthly share of 79.667 billion yuan, and fell to 3.98 trillion copies at the end of May. At the same time, as of the end of May 2022, stock funds, mixed funds, bond funds, currency funds and QDII fund's net asset value were 2.26 trillion yuan, 5.02 trillion yuan, 4.49 trillion yuan, 11.04 trillion yuan, and 2.26 trillion yuan. Essence Compared with the end of April, the net asset value of various types of funds has increased to varying degrees. Among them, bond funds have increased by 6.4%from the previous month, which is the most popular product type in the month. Watch/Chang School Yu Sun Guiping said that from the data, the share of various funds has a large difference compared to the end of April. The share of the mixed fund has declined. The reason is related to the performance of the two stocks of this year. The stock market has been significantly adjusted since the end of last year to the end of April this year, and the debt market has performed steadily this year. Although the equity market fluctuated and recovered in May, a few investors reduced their positions at high, which led to a slight decline in the share of partial equity funds, and the bond market performance in May was also better, attracting a large amount of low -risk funds. However, with the wealth value -added effect brought by the market recovery, the net asset value of various funds has increased to varying degrees compared with the end of April. Among them, partial solid products have grown the most and contributed the greatest. Looking forward to June, Sun Guiping expects that the total scale of public fund management is expected to exceed 27 trillion yuan, and it is expected to be close to 3 billion yuan at the end of this year.

Tian Lihui also believes that in the context of the steady development of housing and the steady development of the RMB, public funds will continue to attract domestic funds. The scale is expected to grow steadily. The net value of 3 billion yuan is expected to reach this year.At the same time, Sun Guiping believes that next, public funds will show three major development trends: the recovery of the capital market is expected to drive the fund issuance market to recover, and the issuance of new funds is expected to speed up, especially the issuance of partial equity funds is expected to rebound; public offering funds will gradually become ordinary people.The wealth management product willing to invest, the "inclusive finance" attributes of the public fund "inclusive finance" attributes have been further confirmed and exerted; as the public offering licenses gradually let go of different types of institutions, the number of public fund managers has increased the public offering productskeep appearing.Recommended reading

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