The central bank supports two banks to set up financial instruments

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.07.02

People's Bank of China building. Xinhua News Agency

The executive meeting of the State Council recently held a measure of policy and development financial instruments to support major project construction. The person in charge of the relevant Division of the People's Bank of China said recently that the People's Bank of China supports the establishment of financial instruments in support of the State Development Bank and the Agricultural Development Bank of China, with a total scale of 300 billion yuan to solve the problem of difficulty in capitalization of major projects.

Infrastructure construction investment is an important means to stabilize the macro economy. The person in charge of the relevant departments of the People's Bank of China believes that the policy and development financial instruments as a phased measure will help meet the policy requirements of the capital capital of major projects, leverage more private capital participation, and form an infrastructure construction workload as soon as possible.

According to reports, the People's Bank of China will take the lead in supporting National Development Bank and China Agricultural Development Bank to issue financial bonds such as financial bonds to raise 300 billion yuan. , Or bridge the capital of the special debt project.

According to the person in charge of the relevant departments of the People's Bank of China, the policy and development of banks use financial instruments to focus on three types of projects: First, the five major infrastructure key areas, which are network infrastructure, information technology, logistics and other industries such as transportation and water conservancy and energy. Facilities, underground pipe corridors and other urban infrastructure, high -standard farmland and other agricultural and rural infrastructure and national security infrastructure. The second is major scientific and technological innovation fields. Third, other projects that can be invested by special bonds of local governments.

The person in charge of the relevant departments of the People's Bank of China emphasized that the investment of policy and development financial instruments should be based on the principles of marketization, independent decision -making in accordance with laws and regulations, self -profit and loss, self -boring risks, guaranteeing the capital, and balanced investment scale.

Policy and development financial instruments require the joint efforts of the central and local governments and the division of labor in multiple departments. The reporter learned that in terms of funds, the central finance will be appropriately discounted in accordance with the actual equity investment, and the discount period will be 2 years. In terms of projects, the National Development and Reform Commission will form a list of sufficient alternative projects with relevant local and central departments and central enterprises.

(Source: Xinhua News Agency)

【Edit: Yao Hao】

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