Qi Shengwen et al.-EG: The test confirmed that there were two types of power earthquake response in one-sided slope

Earthquake landslide is a secondary disaster induced by earthquakes. It often caus...

Why can the insulation cup vacuum layer be insulated?What is the difference between products such as insulation cotton?

answer:The physical principles have a different way to return. Both the vacuum lay...

"Run 5 kilometers, don't run 400 meters", you will only understand if you have experienced it

Comrades who have experienced the soldiersIt's no stranger to this sentence--Run 5...

Popular science MG | Don't let your children sit on co -driving

Today, household cars are becoming more and more popular. During the driving of a car, whether the child can sit on the co -pilot seat has become a question that parents are more concerned.It is unde

International Swimming Federation World Championships: Chen Yiwen won the women's 3m board championship, Chang Yani won the bronze medal

In the early morning of July 3, Beijing time, the 2022 International Swimming Federation World Championships continued to diving projects. In the diving women's three -meter board competition, the Chi

Go, go to the mountain with Dongfeng courier!

It is summerAbout three or five friendsChoose a clear morning to set offGo to the ...