Promote the high -quality development of the bamboo wound industry and help achieve sustainable development

Author:Yueyang Daily client Time:2022.07.05

China is the most important country in the world and enjoys the reputation of the "Bamboo Kingdom". Under the "double carbon" goal, bamboo entanglement is presented in front of the world with the image of "green, environmental protection, ecology, and energy saving". Bamboo entanglement composite materials are biological base materials independently developed and have complete intellectual property rights. They have many advantages such as light weight, high strength, renewable, low -carbon energy saving, and green environmental protection. There are a large number of applications such as architecture and other fields, and its industrial chain is all over the first, second, and tertiary industries. With the popularization of bamboo entanglement technology, China's "green mountains and green mountains" will be better built, thereby achieving sustainable development goals.

1. The current situation of the bamboo industry in our country

Over the years, my country's bamboo industry has achieved remarkable achievements, and has made great contributions to farmers' income increase, promoting regional economic development, and ensuring national ecological security. First, the product type is richer. At present, the products of bamboo industry mainly include bamboo construction, bamboo artificial board, bamboo fiber products, bamboo pulp paper, bamboo crafts, bamboo daily products, bamboo vinegar liquid, bamboo charcoal, bamboo leaves extract, bamboo shoot processing products, and tens of thousands of tens of thousands of tens of thousands In this variety, bamboo products are widely used in many fields such as furniture, packaging, transportation, construction, health care, medicine, tourism, textiles, decoration, food, papermaking and other fields. Second, the scale of the industry continues to expand. In the past 15 years, the average annual increase in the total output value of the bamboo industry has increased by more than 10%. In 2020, the total production of bamboo materials in my country exceeded 3.2 billion (as shown in Figure 1), and the total output value of the bamboo industry exceeded 300 billion yuan. Third, the effect of rich people is increasingly prominent. The bamboo industry involves one, two, and three industries. It has a long industrial chain and a strong ability to absorb employment. It has achieved remarkable results in promoting agricultural income. In Anji, Zhejiang, Jian'ou, Fujian, and Luzhou, Sichuan, the bamboo industry has become a local pillar industry. Fourth, the innovation ability has improved significantly. At present, my country's bamboo processing and utilization technology has been at the world's leading level, and a large number of new products and new technologies have emerged, mainly including bamboo and wood composite, bamboo heavy group materials, bamboo collection materials, and bamboo entanglement. Fifth, global influence is continuously strengthened. The international bamboo vine organization, which is "host" in my country, has grown. 48 member states have reached 48, which has transformed bamboo vines from the "poverty -stricken wood" into a global recognized "green gold".

Data source: "2021 China Statistical Yearbook"

Figure 1 2016-2020 Chinese bamboo production

2. The significant role of bamboo entanglement in sustainable development

1. The role of bamboo entanglement in the carbon reducing carbon reduction

The role of bamboo entanglement in the carbon reduction is mainly reflected in the following two aspects: On the one hand, the growth of bamboo materials has strong carbon storage capacity. According to relevant studies, it can be seen that 1 hectares of hair bamboo can store 5.09 tons of carbon per year, which is 1.33 times the tropical rain forest and 1.46 times of fir. However, at present, about 110 million tons of bamboo in my country is in an idle state each year, accounting for 73.3%; long -term idle will cause bamboo forests to degenerate and even cause bamboo death. On the other hand, the production process of bamboo entangled composite materials has strong carbon reduction capacity. For example, through the comparison of the production process of five traditional pipelines, it can be seen that no process carbon emissions did not generate during the production of bamboo wound composite pipes, and the energy consumption level of the entire process was significantly lower than the traditional pipeline. At present, the proportion of fossil energy consumption is still above 85%, and the use of bamboo entanglement composite tube instead of traditional pipes can obtain obvious carbon reduction benefits. Taking a pipeline with a diameter of 1000mm and a pressure level of 0.6MPa as an example, the energy consumption of the unit length pipeline of the unit with a composite pipe is only 54.9 kgce/m. Compared with the steel tube of the steel tube, energy saving 64.2%, 77.6%, 77.3%, 32.2%, and 38.3%respectively; the length of carbon emissions of the length pipeline of bamboo entangled composite pipelines is only 125.7 kgco2/m, which is compared with the above five pipelines. /m, 485.8 kgco2/m, 487.3 kgco2/m, 149.4 kgco2/m, 159.0 kgco2/m (as shown in Table 1).

Table 1 The comparison of energy consumption and carbon emissions of each pipeline production (1000 mm of pipe diameter, 0.6 mPa pressure level)

2. The role of bamboo entanglement in the revitalization of the countryside

First, create more employment opportunities. There are about 400 million tons of bamboo resources every year in the world. If all bamboo resources are used for the development of bamboo entangled industries, it can drive 80 million farmers to employment, and the average household income can be increased by $ 600. From the perspective of the cultivation of bamboo resources, it takes 25 million tons of hair bamboo to manufacture 10 million tons of bamboo entangled composite pipelines, and the market value is about 20 billion yuan, which can drive 5 million farmers to increase their income. From the perspective of bamboo processing, the production of 60 million tons of bamboo raw materials can drive 9 million labor employment. In the production of bamboo entanglement composite materials, it can provide 1.50 million tons of bamboo entangled products, which can provide 1.45 million jobs, and per capita income can exceed 9,000 US dollars.

Secondly, promote the good development of the bamboo production area. The annual capacity of the standardized production module of bamboo entanglement composite tube is 20,000 tons and annual sales of 250 million yuan; if 500 production modules can be set up in the country within 5 years, the annual capacity of bamboo entangled products will reach 10 million tons. The annual output value of the entire industry chain will exceed 350 billion yuan. Bamboo entanglement composite pipes have a broad prospect in the international infrastructure market. In the future, it will gradually popularize in the fields of rail transit, water drainage pipelines, urban pipe corridors, and power pipelines. With the continuous improvement and extensive application of bamboo entanglement technology, the economic development of bamboo production areas can be effectively promoted. The large -scale development of the bamboo entanglement industry can greatly improve the efficiency of bamboo resources and significantly improve the added value of bamboo forests. Vigorously developing the bamboo entangled industry can create more employment for farmers, promote farmers' income, and promote the good development of rural economy. Third, accelerate the development of bamboo entanglement industries to help achieve sustainable development

1. Further strengthen the top -level strategic design of the bamboo entanglement industry

First, we can reasonably use modern smart technology to create a smart bamboo entanglement industry. We always adhere to innovation as the core driving force, and establish and improve the modern market system, processing system and management system to achieve the development of the "high -quality and multi -format" of the bamboo wound industry. Implement the concept of modern agricultural operations, and actively explore the core technological changes of the bamboo entanglement industry with "mechanization and intelligence" as the key breakthrough to achieve the development of "intensive, mechanized, and large -scale" of the bamboo entanglement industry; implement the concept of modern industrial concepts , Reasonably build bamboo entanglement industrial parks, and comprehensively develop bamboo entanglement and deep processing products. Second, further expand the horizons of business and trade, vigorously develop the business bamboo entanglement industry, build a modern business market system, and accelerate the promotion of the international trade of bamboo entangled products. Third, adhere to the principle of openness in the whole region, vigorously develop the humanistic industry of bamboo, and realize the innovative development of bamboo entangled cultural industries.

2. Further improve the standardization of bamboo entanglement industry

First, comprehensively deploy the preliminary research work of the important standards of the bamboo entanglement industry. In accordance with the demand of the bamboo and vine standard system, the preliminary research on the standard of bamboo entanglement industry should be strengthened to further improve the standard level to ensure the advanced, rationality, and feasibility of the bamboo entangled industry standards. Second, mobilize bamboo entangled enterprises to actively participate in standardization. Enterprises are the "main force" formulated by industrial standards. Product quality is a concentrated manifestation of enterprise management work. Industrial standards need to be implemented by enterprises. Enterprises are usually most familiar with industrial and production conditions. Participation will lead to poor operability. Third, increase the propaganda and implementation of the bamboo entanglement industry standards. The ultimate goal of revising the standard is to serve practical practice, not only to play a good guidance function, but also to play a good role. Increase the propaganda and implementation of bamboo entanglement industry standards to make the standard executors comprehensively understand and grasp the requirements and parameters of industrial standards, so that industrial standards can be effectively implemented in the daily production and operation of enterprises.

3. Further enrich the Hsinchu entanglement industry products

First, product function. Based on the characteristics of bamboo entanglement composite materials, it focuses on improving its functions of cracking, waterproof, mildew, flame -retardant, color -resistant, durability and other functions, and focus on the development of multi -functional bamboo that can effectively meet people's needs of "clothing, food, housing, and travel". Wrap the product. Second, technical specialization. It can fully tap the advantageous and innovative technologies of bamboo entanglement composite materials. For example, innovative technologies such as weaving and winding with strong toughness and strength of bamboo entangled materials are used to develop high -value products different from wood. Third, the extreme processing. From the perspective of the level of micro -viewing, the quality of the processing of bamboo entangled products is the extreme; from the perspective of elemental application, the application of the application of thin wall cells, fiber, and three major prime components is pursued. Fourth, the design is novel. Based on modern aesthetics and personalized demands, it fully combines the characteristics of the natural color, texture, structure, and odor of bamboo materials, and focuses on developing bamboo entangled products that meet the requirements of human efficacy, and give full play to the advantages of environmental protection and high flexibility.

4. Further increase the scientific and technological support for the bamboo entanglement industry

First, set up an expert service group. Taking leading enterprises, colleges and universities, and scientific research institutions in various places as key targets, we will create a top talent pool of "scientific and technological innovation -marketing -industrial economy" of bamboo wound industry. Arrange industry experts to provide consulting services for the forefront of the bamboo entanglement industry and the "card neck" technology, provide strong talent guarantee for bamboo entangled enterprises, scientific research, investment promotion, etc., establish and improve the "resources cultivation of resource cultivation -product processing -product processing -product processing — - Product Quality Standard System, which is marked by "Agricultural Product Geographical Mark Products", etc., to guide the construction of bamboo entangled industrial brand systems in major provinces and cities across the country. Second, the establishment of a bamboo entanglement industry research center. In the key development of the bamboo entanglement industry, relying on local leading enterprises and competent institutions, joint enterprises and scientific research institutions set up a bamboo entanglement industry research center, thereby promoting the "good and fast" development of the area of ​​bamboo entangling industry. Third, build the promotion mechanism of bamboo entanglement technology. Build a 4 -level promotion mechanism of "province -city (state) -county (city, district) -township (town)", and provide services for the application of bamboo entanglement standard systems and promotion of scientific and technological achievements.


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