11:06 Turn to do it 6 minutes and settle the company to like it: the appeal will be promoted at any time, the response will be passed immediately

Author:Chinese overseas Chinese-Jiang Time:2022.07.06

Jiangmen Daily (Reporter/Chen Mindu) "I did not expect that the government responded so fast, and the service was very intimate. It really made a request to be promoted at any time and responded immediately." Said Mr. Wu, the person in charge of a food Co., Ltd. of Jiangmen City. Recently, Mr. Wu registered the demand on the rapid response platform (hereinafter referred to as the "platform") on the small and medium -sized enterprises in Jiangmen City. At 11:06, the hotline center transferred to the relevant responsible Fangjianghai District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau. The matter was completed, and the company was very surprised and expressed satisfaction.

On the same day, Mr. Wu submitted the demand for "Application Data Application Place for Food Production License Paper Application Information of Meat Products Enterprises in Jianghai District" on the platform. "At the beginning, I also tried the mentality of trying. I didn't expect the response so fast. It really facilitated our enterprise. The government department not only told us where to do it, but also thoughtfully reminded the route and transportation method to be very intimate. "Mr. Wu said.

According to reports, after the platform was enabled, the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau carefully deployed and acted quickly. The global business commissioner immediately entered a rapid response state, closer to functions, and did a good job in the service of fast and accurate warm enterprises. The business commissioner of the bureau implements the duty of the job, and quickly responds to the demands of small and medium -sized enterprises within 1 hour. If the existing policy has clearly stipulated, immediately reply to and do it. In 7 days, the request matters were settled.

According to the unified arrangements of the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, the Jianghai District Market Supervision Bureau quickly organized various business departments to accurately sort out the business difficulties and blockages of enterprises to handle business difficulties, reasonably determine business modules, immediately implement the business commissioner AB corner, and compact the work tasks to the job to people to people , Establish a work team consisting of 6 business departments and 12 business commissioners, and earnestly do a good job of "request for promotion at any time, respond to immediately" services, unblock the channels to ensure the rapid response of small and medium -sized enterprises, solve problems for enterprises solve problems Essence

In accordance with the "Guidelines for Quickly responding to the Platform work order for small and medium -sized enterprises in Jiangmen City", the Jianghai District Market Supervision Bureau also organizes platform operation and business knowledge training to sort out the workflow, clarify the time limit, so that all business commissioners will come and come, come and come. Being able to win and war can really solve the difficulties for the enterprise quickly, and go all out to help the enterprise reduce the burden and make trouble.

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