Canadian National Post: More economists will ring the western economy's recession alarm clock and is expected to recruit next year

Author:China Well -off Time:2022.07.07

China Well -off. July 5th. The drum sound of the upcoming recession was becoming more and more loud and lasting.

The warning to Canada and other major economies is rising

The Canadian National Post reports that the losses caused by rising global living costs and tightening financial conditions are promoting more economists to significantly reduce their prospects.

Former US Treasury Minister Lawrence Sammers told Bloomberg Television that he expects economic recession to start faster in 2022.

"The risk of economic recession in 2022 was significantly higher than my judgment of my six or nine weeks," Samers and David Westin said in the "Wall Street Weekly" program on Bloomberg TV."If the economy will really fall into a decline in the next six to nine months, then you may see that the pressure of inflation is reduced."

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