Entering the market subject | "Doing concrete" can also digitize?See how this traditional

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.06.14

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 14th: The strength of the manufacturing industry has further expanded, and the information and communication achieved iteration- "China Ten Years" series theme press conference focuses on industrial and information development achievements

Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Xinxin

From 2012 to 2021, my country's manufacturing added value increased from 1.698 trillion yuan to 31.4 trillion yuan; the toughness and competitiveness of the industrial chain supply chain continued to increase; Sexual innovation achievements have led Chinese manufacturing to continuously climb the new height ... Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country's industrial and informatization development has achieved significant achievements. Industrial innovation, competitiveness, and anti -risk capabilities have achieved overall leaps, which has strongly consolidated economic development of economic development. Foundation.

The Propaganda Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China held a series of theme press conferences of the "Ten Years of China" on the 14th, focusing on the achievements of industrial and informatization development since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

The comprehensive strength of Gu Benbi Yuan manufacturing has leaped sharply

The proportion of high -tech manufacturing and equipment manufacturing industries increased from 9.4%and 28%in 2012 to 15.1%and 32.4%in 2021, respectively; new energy vehicles have the number one consecutive years in the world; traditional industries; traditional industries; The transformation and upgrading accelerate, the digital green transformation has been comprehensively promoted ... a series of data released at the meeting outlines the extraordinary development footprints created by large powers over the past ten years.

The competitiveness of a country is largely reflected in the level of manufacturing. In the past ten years, my country's manufacturing industry has grown further, which has effectively enhanced my country's ability to respond to external shocks. From 2012 to 2021, the added value of all industrial industries in my country increased from 2.09 trillion yuan to 37.3 trillion yuan, which was calculated at an average annual increase of 6.3%.

Over the past ten years, my country has focused on implementing the innovation -driven development strategy, and innovation in key areas has reached the steps. "Chang'e" explores the moon, "Beidou" networking ... A large number of major iconic innovation achievements lead the continuous climbing of Chinese manufacturing.

In the past ten years, my country has focused on improving the quality of supply system. Actively and securely resolve excess capacity. The 140 million tons of "strip steel" is clearly clear, and the backward production capacity of electrolytic aluminum and cement industries basically clearly clear. Continuously implemented major technological transformation and upgrading projects. Since 2012, the proportion of technological transformation investment in industrial investment has continued to stabilize more than 40%. New energy vehicles and smartphones and other key industries are among the forefront of the world. A large number of advanced manufacturing clusters have formed in the fields of electronic information, rail transit.

The manufacturing of the great powers is steadily, but we must also see that the development of industrial and informatization still has problems that the supply system cannot fully adapt to the needs of consumption upgrades, key areas and key links in key areas and key links of the industrial chain supply chain. Xin Guobin, deputy minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said at the meeting that it was necessary to do a good job in various tasks, resolutely and deployed the decision -making of the Party Central Committee to implement it, and accelerate the pace of the construction of a strong manufacturing country.

Innovation -driven "China Creation" is constantly emerging

In the past ten years, relying on innovation to promote the high -quality development of manufacturing, manufacturing in China has accelerated to "Chinese creation."

Major technical and equipment is an important symbol of national comprehensive strength and technological progress. Xu Xiaolan, deputy minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said at the meeting that since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country has regarded major technical equipment as a key area for the construction of a strong manufacturing country, focusing on advanced rail transportation equipment, ships and marine engineering equipment, aerospace equipment and other key areas, and concentrated breakthroughs in breakthroughs. A group of high -level equipment, gradually formed a number of industrial clusters with advantages and characteristics throughout the country.

Focus on key common technologies and deploy an innovation chain around the industrial chain. Taking my country's integrated circuit industry as an example, data at the meeting showed that the sales of the entire industry exceeded trillion yuan for the first time in 2021. The compound growth rate from 2018 to 2021 was 17%, which was more than three times the global growth rate of the same period.

"We have implemented a number of key basic products and materials such as rail transit, electricity and equipment such as rail transit, and power equipment, and the industrial basic capabilities have been implemented, and the industrial basic capabilities have been steadily improved." Xin Guobin said.

Focusing on cultivating high -quality enterprises, the total amount of research and development funds for industrial enterprises above designated size and increased investment intensity. The proportion of new product sales revenue increased from 11.9%to 22.4%, and more than 570 industrial enterprises were shortlisted for global R & D investment. my country has cultivated more than 40,000 small and medium -sized enterprises, 4762 "little giants" enterprises, and 848 manufacturing single champion companies.

"Among the" little giant "enterprises, the 60 % belong to the industrial foundation area, over 70 % of the industry is more than 10 years, and 80 % entered the strategic emerging industry chain. Xu Xiaolan said that the average R & D intensity of the "little giant" enterprise reached 10.3%, playing an important role in the strong chain supplementary chain.

The savings potential can consolidate the "base of the digital" in China

The development of digital economic relations. In the past ten years, my country's information and communication industry has achieved iteration and continuously consolidating the "base of the digital" in digital China.

Data released at the meeting show that my country has built the world's largest and technological -leading network infrastructure, and prefecture -level cities have been fully built in optical network cities. The scale of 4G base stations accounts for more than half of the global total, and the 5G base station has reached 1.615 million.

Digital applications have continued to expand from the consumer field to the production field.Han Xia, chief engineer of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said at the meeting that Internet applications such as e -commerce, electronic government affairs, and remote office were fully popularized, and the annual transaction scale of mobile payment reached 527 trillion yuan.The new generation of information and communication technology represented by 5G accelerates the application in many industries.Under the influence of new technologies and new applications, the endogenous innovation capabilities of my country's manufacturing industry have continued to increase.Telecom services are generally promoted in depth, and historically realize the "village village broadband" of the national administrative village, the network speed -up and fees are implemented in depth, and Internet applications are aging and transforming and information -free projects are accelerated.

"The hot and difficult issues that the people such as telecommunications network fraud, APP infringement of users' rights and interests have been effectively governed." Han Xia said that the network security guarantee system is continuously improved, and the new infrastructure security security system such as the industrial Internet is basically constructed.promote.

[Editor in charge: Zhao Yang]

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