3 dollars a raw egg, who buy who is a big grievance?

Author:Netease Health Time:2022.08.29

Eggs, no matter how ordinary ingredients, have magical "magic". It can occupy a place to go up to high -end restaurants and down the roadside stalls.

However, the hens may not have thought of it. One day the eggs made by themselves were "rolled" like this. From earthen eggs, firewood eggs, organic eggs, selenium -rich eggs, iron -rich eggs, and eaten eggs. Eggs are getting charming.

"No Salmonella", "Eating Raw", "Japan Breeding Technology", "More suitable for pregnant women and children", "essential for lazy people" ... In recent years, it has a multi -tagged egg -eating egg. The new favorite of contemporary young food is the traffic password of major fresh e -commerce companies.

However, compared to ordinary eggs, the price of eggs can be more expensive. According to the monitoring data of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, the average national price price of 5.18 yuan/catties in the 30th week of 2022, with an average of 0.64 yuan per egg. The raw eggs of major e-commerce platforms sell for 80-110 yuan/box, with an average of 2.6-3.6 yuan per egg.

So, what kind of eggs can be considered raw eggs? Where is it expensive? Can it really match its "noble" worth? Let's take a look today.

1. What is raw eggs? "Japanese" marketing routine

China is the largest egg consumer market in the world. According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, China ’s domestic egg consumption was 29.478 million tons in 2020, ranking first in the world. It is estimated that at least 400 billion eggs were eaten a year.

Chinese people eat so many eggs every year, of which raw eggs can contribute a lot. According to the "2021 Chinese Book of Raw Eating Perin Protocol", raw eggs can be the fastest -growing category of Tmall eggs in 2020. The number of consumers and sales scale increased by more than 200%year -on -year. Market share.

In 2021, Hema Ko's sales of eggs increased by more than 10 times, accounting for 40%of the total platform egg sales.

But what exactly can eat eggs? Literal understanding, you can eat eggs that do not hurt your body.

Most of the brands producing eggs on the market are almost the main "excluding Salmonella". Salmonella is a bacteria that can exist in the intestines of human and animals, commonly in animal -derived foods, including eggs, meat and raw milk. Edible meat egg milk contaminated by Salmonella may cause symptoms of food poisoning such as vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. In severe cases, it will even endanger life.

Since eggs are easily infected with Salmonella, you have to find a way to avoid, and there is a set of strict production standards. Unfortunately, China does not currently specifically target the standard requirements for eaten eggs. ), None of them explicitly pointed out the judgment of "eggs for eggs".

And a well -known brand in China who can deeply eat raw egg tracks announced that "the introduction of Japan's 38 years of raw egg standards" and "Japanese PPQC standards". According to its official website, the founder went to Japan 3 times and invited Kato Hongguang Kato Kato Kato 3 times to visit China in three times before he finally convinced him to teach the 38 -year -old egg standard technical system.

The truth is that PPQC refers to "Japanese poultry product quality control strain club". Wang Zhongqiang, a member of the Agricultural Products Committee of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Ministry, said that the PPQC standard is actually the corporate standard of a Japanese egg production enterprise. Its authority is suspicious and cannot be confused as the national standard of Japan.

Alas, it's really a good hand to wipe the ball ...

2. Safe? Eating raw eggs is not "100%sterile"

Generally speaking, there are two ways to pollute eggs in Salmonella. The first is the pollution in the egg. The hens infected with Salmonella, and in the process of forming eggs, bacteria were brought into egg yolk and egg white. The second is egg pollution. During or after the egg production process, the in vitro or Salmonella in the soil invades the inside of the egg through the pores of the eggshell.

It is not easy to change from ordinary eggs to sterile eggs: Choosing healthy eggs → Eat advanced feed for chickens → Let the chicken live a clean and hygienic bedroom → chicken produces healthy eggs, write down the birthday of the eggs ) → Bathing for eggs, sterilization → Check your body → say goodbye to bad guys with cracks and dark lines → Youdou is released.

Even such a rigorous production process does not guarantee 100%sterile. It is just that the chance of being infected with bacterial infections is even smaller than ordinary eggs.

The number of raw foods for eggs is also closely related to the storage temperature. Under the ideal situation, from transportation, storage, and sales, every link must be guaranteed to have a refrigerated environment.

Compared with the shelf life of 45-60 days of ordinary eggs, the shelf life of raw eggs is generally only 30 days, and it is "Yishi Fei Taste" within 15 days of production.

According to the "Outline of Egg Standard Trading" in the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and Aquatic Products, the eggs are divided into special, level 1, level 2, and levels (non -edible). Among them, levels and level 1 can meet the standards of raw food. At the same time, it is recommended to store temperature below 10 ° C.

Eat eggs from production to supermarkets, then to your home, and finally on the table, the whole process is difficult to prevent bacterial pollution 100 %. In order to avoid risks, most of the Chinese consumers who bought raw eggs still eat them in the end ..... One more thing, ordinary eggs are heated by high temperature, and the pathogenic microorganisms contained in them will be killed. For eggs, there is no need to excessively pursue sterile.

3. More nutritious? You can eat raw eggs and eat raw foods the most nutritious

Many people are willing to pay for raw eggs. In addition to seeing its sterile, they are also attracted by the high nutritional value it promoted. It is necessary to clarify a misunderstanding here: raw eggs are the most nutritious.

There are many ways to eat eggs. In terms of nutritional absorption and digestion, cooked eggs have the best effect.

The nutritional components of raw eggs may not be higher than ordinary eggs, but it is more suitable for some special edible scenarios, such as heart eggs or some dishes dipped in raw egg liquid. For groups such as pregnant women, children, and elderly people, because of food safety considerations, they are also more suitable for nutritional absorption.

In the final analysis, the mission of eating eggs is not to make people eat raw, but to eat eggs more safely. It is true that the technology innovation of egg production technology is a good thing, but it is no doubt that it has exaggerated the selling point to catch a selling point.

[1] http://www.moa.gov.cn/ztzl/NYBRL/RLXX/202208/t20220802_6406124.htmm

[2] https://www.cfs.gov.hk/sc_chi/programme/programme_rafs/programme_rafs_fm_01_22.html

[3] https://www.maff.go.jp/

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[7]Hincke M T,Wellman -Labadie O. Proceedings of XVIII European symposium on the quality of poultry meat and XII European symposium on the quality of eggs and egg products [C],2007,39-41.

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