After autumn, don't miss this dish, look good and delicious, refreshing and greasy, not getting greasy every day

Author:Xiao Wei Yangsheng Kitchen Time:2022.09.13

In September, the weather became more and more comfortable. After autumn, the temperature continued to decrease, the air was very dry, the body was very sleepy, and the spirit was not concentrated. According to the changes in the seasons, the diet should be paid to conditioning. Many rich people like to eat abalone and sea cucumber, but these ingredients are too greasy, the purine content is high, and it is easy to gain weight when eating too much. Because autumn is very cool, it is very suitable for strengthening exercise. It is a good time to lose weight. With some nutritious fat -reducing dishes, it can help control the intake of calories and maintain a slender figure. Today, I share a low -fat and low -calorie dish -asparagus carrot fried mushrooms. This dish is very beautiful, it tastes very refreshing, and it is not greasy. How should I make this asparagus and carrot frying mushrooms? Hurry up and take a look at the editor. After autumn, don't miss this dish, look good and delicious, refreshing and greasy, adults and children love to eat.

[Details of asparagus carrot fried mushrooms]

Ingredients details: buy about 200 grams of fresh asparagus, buy about 250 grams of fresh mouth mushrooms (also called white mushrooms, the lid of the bacteria is smooth and moist, the meat is thick, tender and delicious. With the high selenium and calcium elements, the cellulose is very high, it helps the intestine operate normally, scrape oil and lose weight, rest assured, not afraid of gaining weight), half a carrot, a little water, a little salt, some garlic, several vegetable oils , Chicken essence and monosodium glutamate, half a spoonful of oyster sauce, half a spoonful of raw soy sauce or extremely fresh, others.

Detailed production steps:

Step 1: Prepare mouth mushrooms, asparagus and carrots. Cut off the old stems of the asparagus first, cut off the thorns of the rhizome, cut into several small sections, and wash and control the water.

Step 2: Wash the carrots and peel it, cut into several filaments, cut the garlic into thin pens, cut the shallots into thin moments, cut the mushrooms to cut the root of the mushrooms and cut into several pieces.

Step 3: Put the mushrooms into the container, add an appropriate amount of water and salt, soak in salt water for half an hour, or scald with hot water for a while. This can remove the harmful substances of the mushrooms and control the water before frying.

Step 4: Boil a large bowl of water in the pan, drip a few drops of edible oil, add a little salt, pour the asparagus for a while, remove it with cold water and wash it, so that the color of the asparagus can be kept, and the taste is very crisp.

Step 5: Several vegetable oils are added to the bottom of the pot, pour some white and minced garlic, and stir fry quickly for 20 seconds to stir the garlic aroma.

Step 6: Pour the carrots and stir -fry until it is broken. Pour the mushrooms in order to fry until it becomes soft. Pour in asparagus and stir -fry, add half a spoonful of water, add salt, chicken essence, MSG and other condiments.

Step 7: Quickly stir -fry evenly, turn off the hot pot.

Asparagus and carrots are a good fat reduction meal. Several kinds of ingredients are low -calorie and low -fat green vegetables. The mushrooms are very tender, the dishes are beautiful, refreshing and greasy, and those who have bad appetite can usually try this dish. , Don't worry about long -sized, the more you eat, the thinner.

Do you master the cooking skills of this asparagus carrot frying mushroom? (The full text comes from the Internet)

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